820 Reviews liked by Turquoisephoenix

bro as a paper mario 64 kid do you know how much this blew me away when booting it up for the first time

Does someone want to explain to me how Bugsnax of all games was able to nail LGBTQ characters correctly while everyone makes utter garbage?

Mops the floor with 1 through 4 and stands as one of the most polished and beautiful games on Genesis. The setting is used extremely well, the boss fights are great, the difficulty curve is a lot more approachable, and all that Genesis style is here in spades. Only thing I personally dock against it is that sometimes its setpieces go a bit overboard and feel on-rails, and the limited continues system SUCKS.

It's a unique emotional experience to meet an unknowable stranger early into the game. Traveling together, waiting for each other, trying to communicate wordlessly. What were they thinking? What were they feeling? As they're whisked away at journey's end, you can't help but think about who they might be. Were they wondering the same?

I'm still in awe it lived up to the hype. Such an incredible experience I think literally everyone should play.

this is still one of the most technologically impressive games of all time

the moment game freak realized they could rush games and they'd still sell like hotcakes

You'd have to be a masochist to try and complete this to 106%. It's an excellent platformer regardless; the challenge is tough but never feels cheap, it controls perfectly, cutscenes are very charming, and there's a heaping amount of content. Toys For Bob really outdid themselves with this one.

I fully completed this game 106% and I can no longer feel feelings.

This game is good. This is my guilty pleasure game. Cause no one else likes this game I guess. I feel like every Sonic fan has a really bad game in the series as one of their favorites, this is mine.

The endgame made me wanna die. The devs said fuck balancing and I don't appreciate it.

Play the original Japanese release, Akumajou Densetsu. The Famicom version has some truly fantastic 8-bit music & graphical effects not in the western release. Unfortunately this wasn't possible in the international version due to a custom chip in the Famicom cartridge not available for the NES. Moreover the NES version adds some classic late 80's/early 90's Nintendo censorship (low-detail, nude pixel statues were too risqué for the time). You'll find the Famicom version to be one of the best 8-bit action platformers.

This is the game where the Rabbids used Rayman's legacy as cover to infiltrate our lives with a pretty pedestrian minigame collection and then somehow leveraged that into being an increasingly grating cultural powerhouse for the next decade.

Are Rabbids' responsible for the Minions? it's a tempting theory but I think that the primordial ooze from which Rabbids and Minions emerged from has existed in French culture for decades waiting to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world. it's unclear why the time for their arrival was ripe in the mid to late 2000's. I think we were all just rightfully embarrassed by the whole Freedom Fries debacle and willing to hear them out while they shared their findings after meditating on the works of Jerry Lewis for fifty years.

The fucking Whipcrack is the jump SFX.