A small collection of flash games that's well worth the £6.99 it should be sold for.

Virus head combined with that music and gameplay just isn't working.

Theme tune was a banger though

The initial mentions of spunk were short lived and frankly I needed more of it

A good amount of cat, dog and bird bumbles, if that's what you are into

Well it's got some colours, I'll give it that.

Amiga game lookin' ass

More backtracking than a metroidvania up in this bitch

Reminds me of hashish and cheap lager - GOTY!!!

They're gonna remain untold too coz I GIVE UP

I don't know how a game can be so glitchy and prone to the worst slow down I can remember when it has PS2 era graphics and all you do i walk left and right extremely slowly

My skills of not knowing what the story is in games is getting so much better. I had so little clue on this one that I skipped the ending as it played.

Im sure the down button doesnt work properly on my phone? Either that or I'm totally shit at it, who knows?

Now imagine that at a video shop that rented games allowed you to tell them a 4 digit code to allow you to rent games if you didn't have your membership card on you. Now imagine, hypothetically that I knew someone else's 4 digit code.
Now imagine that I got my pal's little brother to go to this shop and rent Mario kart 64 and an N64 controller using this code. That'd be a naughty way of getting a new game and pad for a fiver wouldn't it?

Incase the feds are reading this review, this is deffo not what happened...

Lost interest in the dry as bark dialogue early on, so much so that I started skipping scenes and then I realised I'd not a clue what was going on nor did I give af.