Went from serene and chilled to frustrating and cheap. And that's where I tap out, laters.

First fail and it got fucked off - I'm free!

Wonder if Wendy Kerby has played Kirby?

Don't know how to pronounce the title

A good amount of cat, dog and bird bumbles, if that's what you are into


They're gonna remain untold too coz I GIVE UP

My skills of not knowing what the story is in games is getting so much better. I had so little clue on this one that I skipped the ending as it played.

My fave part was looking at the minimap rather than the main bit of the screen as I 'filled in' the map. Worst part was the game not telling me how much of the map I'd 'filled in'.

Well it's got some colours, I'll give it that.

Amiga game lookin' ass

You know the simple plot of this? I didn't understand it.

I liked the game, only turned it off once in a rage.

Was it pretty? Yep, it certainly was but I'm not sure that makes up for the lack of gameplay and frustrating controls.
Maybe it does, I dunno, we all like the pretty things.

Only briefly played in on the PS4 many moons ago but recently picked it up on the switch and I think I love it?