DoA is a cashgrab, but this really felt like one. Lack of costumes to get properly in-game without a fucking dumb grind really sours my opinion on this game, because it plays real good and everything looks better.

Character design top tier, for many reasons. Fast flowing combat with fast flowing counters to match. Still looks good till this day imo. Also everyone on the roster hits. Tag team fights, something everyone fighting game doesn't want now. Can shake the controller to shake tits. Top Tier game right here.

Used to play the fuck out of this when I was younger.

My only real Tekken game so I will confidently say its not only my favourite Tekken game, but also one of my favourite fighting games. However 8 looks phenomenal and that spot might get grabbed. But onto the game, the roster with all the DLC is fucking stacked, and look at that customisation and the game has the great middle ground of grounded 3D Dead or Alive gameplay and zany 2D Mortal Kombat gameplay.

Said before how I feel about old fighting games and also PS1 games.

I'll be back but I don't know if I was really liking what I was seeing.

Easily the best in the series so far for me. Shenanigans brought me here straight for 3 and I ain't complaining because the aura of this game is too much in the early parts. While I do think it breaks down in the last quarter, the first 3 were more than strong enough. Also that main OST fucking does what it needs to do with the creepy atmosphere they were going for.

The atmosphere of this game hits, a fright without being jumpscare central. Claire is top tier, Leon is ok. Overall this game is a banger and even though I tried the first game, a PS1 port and I hate that console, I will happily consider this my intro to the series.

Jill is fucking Superman and I love it, she's easily my 2nd favourite female MC. This game is a fucking blast. Levels easier than RE2, but just as fun. I really need to play 4 soon.

Very fucking unique. I'll be back.

Best gameplay in the series, but the new structure along with fatigue playing the series back to back kicked in and I put it on the shelf. Will be back soon though because I did enjoy what I played.

Had to wait for this one since it's stuck in PS3 prison, but when it arrived, in terms of shooting, this game finally had it down. Still the innovative masterpiece and had many unique things like the Octocamo. But boy, this was a fucking movie for real. Near hour long cutscenes, felt like Yakuza all over again. But this is still the 2nd best game and that final fight with Ocelot hits something different.

Cool features, more Big Boss, but playing on PSP controls with generic bosses and the lot just wore me down and I wanted to move on. This game had potential though.

Easily the best game I played this year overall. Easily slots into my favourite games. Big Boss, Naked Snake whatever, is what Solid Snake wants to be. Eva is great. This story is great. The OST is great. This is what 1 and 2 wanted to be. A true stealth game and I don't even really like the genre. Snake Eater the song will forever stick with me. This game is fucking beautiful, just a straight movie fr.

Boy, I nearly came when I booted this up. It felt like everything MGS1 wanted to be. Raiden had such cool fucking animations which helped alot because he was a much shitter protagonist than Snake in my opinion. Once again Kojima shows us what innovation is, and while the story was slightly confusing it still hit. But two things: the whole glitchy segment will stay with me and fuck the Metal Gear Rex.