The only fun competitive racing game on the ps4 or the current gen of consoles in general

The track list is the more explorative than previous entries but it fails to accomplish more than that

Everything from the track list to the character designs prove that lightning really can strike twice, but it can strike even harder

It’s like if Shenmue was made by people who actually like video games

I returned it after playing it for 3 hours because I literally fell asleep while playing it.

The only game on the system that is enhanced by the 3D feature. Absolutely stunning!

One of the best adventure games out there. Definitely look up a walkthrough if this is one of your first times playing it, you’ll have a much better experience when you collect most of the masks

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This game would be the best Nintendo game to date if the end-game trifurcation hunt wasn’t such a drag

I bought this not knowing it was just a re-skinned Dynasty Warriors game and boy am I angry

Some of the best environments and boss fights in the series, but it gets so over indulgent in its visual aspects that your eyes will glaze over by the last boss fight

Gameplay can get monotonous but very fun to look at

The greatest Spider-man experience to date. If you’re a fan of Spider-man 2, this is the game for you

Visually and socially, a masterpiece. The gameplay is however very unforgiving.