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A super slept on 360 title. I was looking thru my library of games and having not known much other than being a decent Katamari clone, I decided to give it a go near blind and was quite surprised to what the game has to offer.

I think what I appreciate about this game more than anything else is the early 2K charm that this game has going for. Something about the voice acting and the art design for the game gives me a bit of a newgrounds vibe to it, I actually love this type of aesthetic anyways so I'm all for it!

Gameplay was quite addictive and easy to get a hang of once you understand the mechanics of the Fire Flyers, which are strategically placed all throughout the map for you to get higher combos and to get more time. I often found myself restarting the game just so I can get the "perfect run" in a level. It honestly got quite a bit tougher towards the end of the game, having to restart meticulously until I eventually got the run I was looking for. The end sequences after each level I found to be super easy and very non challenging, though I think it was a unique spin so the game just doesn't feel like a straight up Katamari clone.

Some problems the game definitely has is low framerate at times and long-ish loading times, I wish this was a backwards compatible title on the series X so this could play on a higher res and could possibly fix these issues but sadly this is just stuck on gen 3. consoles so I don't think this gonna see much light of day on any new hardware soon. I also thought some of the levels felt lackluster at times in comparison to some levels that I thought were really well designed.

If you're into the Katamari franchise or looking to cross off more games off your Xbox 360/PS3 backlog, I encourage you to give this game a go. It's a shame no one talks about this game since I think there could be a bigger audience for something like this in the modern day despite its early 2K charm. It's nothing incredibly unique but I thought it was super addicting the more you get into it. Glad that I randomly gave this game a go.

super addictive, I love how fast the game is and the feeling of satisfaction I get whenever I'm able to score an Ace medal on a level that I've been grinding on for a while is amazing. the card mechanics are super easy to learn and pickup too. I just find that a lot of the level design is somewhat forgettable since I don't really have a lot of motivation to return back to the levels when I zoom thru a lot of them, but I think that just comes with any game that involves an inherent speedrun factor in it.

the music is awesome, fits the tone perfectly. Machine Girl always delivers and this was no exception.

and story was honestly ok, I really don't think it was all that bad. it was just a really basic storyline to me and not that memorable if anything. the worst thing about this game which I'm sure everyone has commented on is the dialogue but the gameplay is where it's at if you tolerate/skip thru it.

I want more of this! I don't think you should experience this game on a Switch but I'm sure on PC this game runs fantastically.