Reimagined into HD very well

If it weren't for developing good chao and missions, I'd be able to 100% this.

Love this game. I'll probably suck at online, but I don't care.


Had this on live arcade 360. Don't know why that isn't listed as an option.

The very best iteration of Smash so far.

I have the VR compatible version, too, which I didn't realise is also the somewhat expanded, too, so this will remain abandoned.

Still in backlog, as I want to complete the last DLC episode

Never managed to get the true ending

Technically made it out alive, but not got the real ending.

This is absolutely terrible. One of the worst games I've played.

Shouldn't have expected this to be so different from DW3. Unfortunately, it was more of the same. The content added was so little it's only now I realise I stopped playing it completely and have no desire to return to it ever.