I spend too much money on this game to give it any less rating. 5/5

I just seen commentary youtubers playing this game and I think it was on sale or for free so I tried it? It's pretty decent but nothing too crazy. 4/5

Not as fun as people make it out to be. Me being a huge Lord of the Rings fan since I was 3 years old might just have ruined this experience for me. 3/5

Pretty cute game, and I think my sister loves it. 3/5

Personally my favorite Call of Duty Game. It has just the perfect amount of futurism I admire in a videogame or fictional world overall, and the Paint it Black commercial had me hooked the moment I saw it. The day I got that game I just couldn't let go of it. 5/5

I simply don't find the charm everyone finds in this game. 2/5

To me it's weird LOL! But the animations and gameplay loop are great overall. 4/5

Very weird game, but I can't really say anything wrong about it so have a 3,5/5

So simple yet so revolutionary in the gaming pop culture. The art direction combined with the pixel graphic and a grim story they your heart by storm and live you a changed man who loves elegant suits. 5/5


Great for its time. Pretty much started a revolution for game remakes. For me most of the praise comes to the Music Producer of the game Mick Gordon. 2,5/5

Pretty good game. Probably the most casual gaming experience you could ever get. 3,5/5