Really good remake visually but they cut out way too much content from the original.

Pure unfiltered nostalgia.

All you need to know is that you can wear a dress, grab a chainsaw, your favorite orange juice and go to town killing zombies for hours on end.

Under the comedic surface it's actually a decent story and the sandbox gameplay is so creative.

Just don't escort any survivors to safety. They have the worst AI in any game in existence and actively try to get themselves killed.

Also, free katana on the cafe.

Best let this one cook for about a year.

Great game to play on the toilet.

This game was way ahead of its time and paved the way for many games after. Definitely in my top 10.

This is the Pokemon game perfected.

Game Fuel, legendary co-op with the boys and late night SWAT.


Short, sweet and a perfect little slice of horror. So sad that is was canceled...

Let me just start by saying, there is something in this game for every type of Resident Evil fan. (Except maybe you weirdo RE6 fans) It's truly up there with the greats of the series. It has cheesy dialog, creepy atmosphere, detailed environments, clever puzzles, genuinely terrifying moments and way more enemy variety than 7 just to name a few. If 7 and 4 had a weird infected baby, it would be this game and for the most part it's a good thing. 7 for the core mechanics and first person. 4 for the more action pacing, old European environment and inventory system. The world built is super immersive as well and is very fun to explore/find treasure/solve puzzles. The character designs and performances are very well done too and are extremely unique. Music is top notch and the sound design as a whole is a serious RE4 vibe. Though I think the gun sounds could use some more juice.

My few gripes would be that maybe it is too easy (other than mercenaries, that's very hard) and bumping up the difficulty only makes it artificially difficult because enemies simply hit harder and are faster. Also, the inventory management system makes it so you never really need to make any hard decisions about what you grab and with the huge attache case there is no real penalty. Just pick it all up and you're good. I miss the classic, oh shit moment of not knowing if making room for items will be worth it in your inventory. Another gripe is that the story is full of holes, lacking some explanations and some of Ethan's decisions are questionable but it's RE comes with the territory. The more I replay the more I see where it is falling short. I also went through and looked at all the concept art and seeing what could have been is so disappointing in some regards as well. Could have been a 10/10 if some of that cut content was included.

All that being said, the good in this game does outweigh the bad and I can't stop playing.

Also, just as a side note, the RE Engine is a gem and this game looks incredible and runs very smooth. More games should look to use it.


They just don't make games like this anymore. A 3D platformer that looks like its for kids but the story really speaks to the struggles of life you don't really confront until you are an adult. Especially surrounding common mental health issues that many of us deal with.

Truly a beautiful, thoughtful game and a perfect sequel to the original. My only complaint is that the ending felt like it dragged a bit, cycling through abilities was tedious and there are soooo many collectables that felt like busy work.

Fun with a friend but there is really nothing Resident Evil about this at all besides the characters...

The best Battle Royal out there with solid gunplay, gameplay and movement mechanics. In the first year of its launch I racked up almost a month of play time. It was truly something when it came out, hot dropping into Skulltown and seeing if you make it out alive. To get that sweet sweet CHAMPION screen. It was a breath of fresh air that came out of nowhere.

However, current Apex Legends, is plagued by greedy monetization, persistent reoccurring bugs, annoying character ability metas, power creep, questionable buffs/nerfs, frustrating matchmaking system, cheaters and the worst servers I've ever experienced in gaming. After ~1150 hours in this game and being obsessed, the above issues wear on me and are too much to truly enjoy it anymore outside small doses with friends every now and then.

The good parts of Apex are seriously good and should be praised (gunplay, movement and core game mechanics etc.) but the bad parts are really bad and difficult to turn a blind eye to over time. (Strict matchmaking, poor server quality and bugs etc.) Launch Apex to around season 2 I'd give it 5 Stars for perfecting the genre but current Apex just doesn't feel the same.