They really went back to the original RE formula with this one. Feels like RE is back on track. I just wish there was more enemy variety.


So faithful to the original. When people ask if video games are art I always think of this one being an affirmation to that question.

You can literally fly over your house. Hell, crash into it if you want. At one point I was overwhelmed by the instrument panel in one of the planes, so I went on YouTube to look up how to start a real Airbus A320 and it worked in game. Incredible.

This is pretty much a flawless flight sim experience other than lack of plane variety that I'm sure will be changed over time and it is extremely taxing on hardware.

When this launched with the Wii it was pretty mind blowing and I believe that it flawlessly executed what it set out to do. It was so much fun to play with friends and family and still is to this day. The game itself is really basic but perfectly shows off the utility of the Wiimotes.

They seriously nailed the atmosphere of the films.

Remember when Valve made games?


90's puzzle games don't mess around. No hand holding here. Get your pen and paper ready.

Probably the last good GTA story.

Luigi taught me how to gamble.

No Gods or Kings, only wrenches and heavy drug use.

Interesting idea, poor execution.