Visually this is absolutely stunning and the battles make you feel like you're in a Star Wars movie. They did an amazing job of making it look and sound exactly like the films. Mostly due to the photogrammetry techniques and effects. Even more than the sequel did. But unfortunately it was very shallow with post launch content. Also there was no content outside the original trilogy.

Not only is this the best Spider-Man game out there, I believe it is one of the best Spider-Man stories as well. Only things I didn't really like were the side missions and events that felt very repetitive. But the main story is strong and DLC is great too.

This is the arena shooter perfected. It really feels like an homage to the OG 93 Doom.

This game brings me so much nostalgia. Probably one of the first games I seriously got into as a kid. Loved exploring the Disney settings and the characters but the story is so nonsensical I can't give it 5 stars.

Like the original but better.

Best CoD since MW2. Gunplay is top tier and even the single player isn't awful. Much more back to basics and grounded with the gameplay. The new "gunsmith" mechanic is badass as well and whoever did the animations needs a raise. Sad that they just gave up on it once Warzone launched... Now it's pink anime skins, purple bullet tracers and a shell of its gritty former self.

I loved the dark tones of this one. Best Zelda game, don't even @ me.


This game is such an accurate portrayal of being in the military that you might come home to someone sleeping with your wife.

Not really sure why this one got so much hate... The dungeons where some of the most creative ones in the series and the controls were really engaging (though sometimes frustrating).

Only true negative I felt was that the backtracking in every dungeon got old fast. That and the main hub world you go back to constantly isn't all that interesting.

Best soundtrack in gaming. Period.

I really wanted to like this game. I truly did. It looked like a new game to fill the void the Silent Hill series left and I couldn't wait to give it a go. However, the story is just not engaging at all and the characters are very boring. Gameplay is also very stale with clunky animations and I found myself rushing to finish it by the end. I couldn't even tell you the main characters name it was that uninteresting. It's definitely trying to be a throw back to the horror games of the late 90s but it misses the mark I'm afraid.

That being said the atmosphere and sound design are awesome. The split realities where you see the spirit world and the real world at the same time is very unique. It looks like a next gen title in many areas. The music from the original Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka is great as well and makes for a nice spooky environment.

If you have gamepass, give it a shot, but I wouldn't pay full price for this one.

Laser flipping the 10 stair never felt so good.

It is so much fun to explore the world they have created and discover new things each time you play. The detailed world really feels alive and is extremely interactive which kept me entertained much longer than similar titles. You will sometimes think of things you would like to do, try it, and a lot of the time it really works. Like, what if I throw this metal sword into an enemy hideout and wait for lighting to strike it and take them all out. Things like that make this game feel so immersive and allows for what feels like an endless amount of creativity.

Only lost half a star for the dungeons seriously lacking variety and character. Something other titles have nailed. Luckily the exploration of the world is so incredible that the dungeons being sub par doesn't feel awful.

I really enjoyed the "rags to riches" story line. Starting as a local skater and turning into a pro.It got me so into skating as a kid. I wanted to emulate that in my ~10 year old life but I could barely do a kickflip on a good day