it reminds me of why i love the metroid series

your drill is the drill that will pierce the omnipotent computer!

same good old return to dreamland with new features and a slightly different look.

merry magoland made this so hard to 100%.

can't really describe how much i loved this game, after many years of 2D Mario feeling kinda samey (but still entertaining tho), this game succeeded at surpassing all my expectations.

every level in the game feels unique and inspired, taking full advantage at what the game allows with it's mechanics and even more, the level designers went all out with each level making them all exciting, fun and even memorable, ranging from classic side-scrollers to even arenas, while always striking the perfect balance in difficulty making levels not only accesible for beginners but even some that are challenging for veterans, not a single level is like the last one and when it's similar it's used to expand upon previously introduced mechanics. gimmicks while being present don't take away anything from the experience and instead enrich it, even the ones that you will most likely see just once.

secrets are abundant from the purple coins, secret exits, to pipes and paths hidden in the world map and i always found it satisfactory when that "a ha!" moment kicks in, it reminded me a lot of how satisfying was to find secrets like that in older mario games.

the power ups are few but always contribute something to the already great level design, add the new badge system to mix and you can get not only multiple abilities from which you can choose from but also get new ways to play the levels, from some upgrades that will make get through the levels easier or challenge yourself messing around with stuff like running and moving at all the times or even make yourself invisible (if you are a masochist).

the game feels like a true successor to smb3 and world, feeling familiar yet always doing stuff that surprised me and kept me wondering (no pun intended) what's next.

I jumped into Engage with some doubts and while the story was in my opinion bad, the gameplay is simply amazing, it's everything three houses' gameplay should've been, every mechanic and aspect is polished, the maps are really well designed and even the Somniel is a huge improvement over the monastery in Three Houses (it's also fully optional if you don't want to spend time on it!), boss fights takes full advantage of the game's mechanics, especially the Engage and Emblem Ring system and even stuff like the chain attacks, that can lead to experimentation and will make you think about your strategies and how to approach every situation. The customization for your units it's also a great element, allowing you to make versatile and strong units, which is very rewarding due to all the combinations you can make with the Emblem Rings and Skills you give them and that adds A LOT to the replay value.

Fire Emblem Engage ends up in a weird spot, it has some of the best gameplay in the series, but the writting may take a lot from the experience for many people looking for it. Still, if you're looking for a fun and engaging (yea) strategy game, Engage won't dissapoint you.

the soundtrack is also pretty fucking good.

an improvement over the first game, hard not to love it, charming and full of personality, and it has an unique art style that even to this day looks good.

i really hope we can see Legends 3 some day...

the citizen kane of bus video games!!!!

remember Caeda might not look like it at the start, but she is the GOAT

it may be the fecaliest funniest game ever

i just want to roll my katamari and stop thinking about anything. this game never fails to give me comfort when i need it, love it.