Bom jogo multiplayer com vários jeitos de se jogar, pena que demora um ano pra você progredir no jogo. Não que isso tire o lado divertido do jogo, mas os oponentes vão ter uma leve vantagem pois eles terão mais cartas que dão poder mais fortes.

obs: Se tu tiver azar pode ter certeza que você vai demorar para arranjar as cartas boas.

Bom jogo, me deu uma nostalgia danada dos jogos point and click que tinha em sites como o da cartoon ou click jogos.

Obs: Sem falar que o jogo tá cheio de referências a outros jogos indies, como o Howard de backbone.

O titulo do jogo é bem explicativo se você não tem ritmo nem tente. Eu que sou mais ou menos cheguei no máximo ao lvl 6. Um bom jogo que faz homenagem a franquia rhythm heaven!

De todos os jogos que eu joguei esse ano esse com certeza não é um dos melhores, não acho que é nem mediano.
Esse é o primeiro jogo que eu faço a review enquanto jogo pois estou achando muito mal feito, pelo amor de Deus onde que foi a animação e arte dos personagens ? O que era simples mas visualmente bonito, se tornou em contorno de papelão aqui, os personagens super travados e feios. A musica é a mesma do primeiro com alguns adendos e não é ruim.
Não vou nem falar que toda gameplay do primeiro jogo é inexistente aqui, pois você joga só com 2 personagens até onde eu fui.
Sem contar as partes que são uma copia de sayonara wild hearts, jogo que eu nem joguei direito mas a gameplay é super parecida mas pior e mais simples. Meu deus eu não aguento mais jogar essas partes, meu desgosto pelo jogo aumenta cada vez que eu passo por elas.
Não aguentei mais, vi video no youtube mesmo sobre o final. Como que a gente sai de um jogo indie legal com uma gameplay até repetitiva, mas com um estilo divertido mesmo tendo seus problemas para esse jogo daqui ? Sem palavras, como um dos meus joguinhos favoritos indie de 2021 teve uma sequencia como essa aqui.

E- Eu estou viciado em um jogo de fazendinha e ainda estou no primeiro ano :(

STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR SANITY, please listen to me do not play this game specially if you're thinking of playin as a killer it's just not Worth it, it has many good things but think about your life, about all your happy memories, don't do this to yourself. I started playing this because it was free on ps plus and I was still young don't do what I did be happy. This game and Rainbow six siege they're the sucessor for LOL, because of that you will suffer.

Jogaço de luta. Vários personagens incríveis, eu ainda estou aprendendo os controles e isso pode ser muito frustrante quando você está lutando com alguém q joga a anos o jogo. No entanto, o jogo te da uma opção de usar o modo de controle simplificado q te ajuda a tacar os poderes e especiais, que te deixa mais ou menos num level intermediário.

Nossa, uma ótima experiencia sonora e visual.

Jogaço de terror, pode não ser um SOMA da vida no quesito história mas esse jogo é muito tenso. Me lembrou da gameplay do fnaf 2, pois você tem que tomar contar da energia e do seu barulho. Recomendo demais, ainda mais se você tiver gamepass.

A excelent horror game, it doesn't have the best story or lore but when it comes to it's atmosphere it's almost unbeatable. It reminded me of the fnaf 2 gameplay cicle, where you have to pay attetion to your noise and your energy use. I really recommend this game.

This review contains spoilers

After a year I've finally replayed this game and my opinion on it has not changed so much. So let's starts with the good things, the art and the ost on this game are all amazing, Danshin and Arooj Aftab did an amazing job on all of the song, most of them have this ominous and imposing vibe but they're all so impressive and good that "I Wonder" became my favorite music in a while; the pixel art it's also amazing with many details, it's very charming and it can make a good wallpaper. However, the game it's a side scroller which isn't a bad thing for itself but it really limits it's gameplay. It didn't bother me at all but I've seen some people that didn't like it.

Now I'll talk about the worst part of the game, it's story: The part of the demo till act 2 it's good, you get to know the characters and the world building. However, the whole sci-fi thing doesn't really work and it just brings the whole game down with it.

The gameplay that was very simple starts to become boring as you're trapped in only one place and as stated by the developer "We didn’t know if it would work out right until the very end." it didn't work.
Moreover, your friend Larry just betrays you because the game needed to advance and after playing the prequel it's weird, but I guess the game teaches you to not trust addicted people, because "He can’t help you, he can’t help himself.".
The artifact it's just weird and alien IDK, the game forces the main character to be infected by it in a cutscene.

About the pdf, as I was writing this review I decided to reread it and found some things that I included in the text with the " ", in there it's stated that the game was rushed and had some other problems.
I get that it's an indie game dev and I feel a bit sad but I can see that this studio has a lot of potential, that the people that worked in this game really tried and you can see that in the prequel where they improved a lot. To end this review I'll put a quote that is at the end of the pdf because I really liked it:

"Game development is iterative and chaotic at its core. Game
narrative is the same. And it’s the soul, it’s what matters the
most, because humans are made for and out of stories. Our job is
to make these stories come to life and act as tiny mirrors of hope
for other humans. You can do it. Start on your script today.
Finish it tomorrow or five years later. You can do it. Go on and
do it."

The game it's not complete yet so my opinion can change overtime. However this got to be one of the best FVN to date. The story it's very promising and interesting. The music and art are great. The most appealing part of this game to me it's the themes and how it approaches them.
This game covers a lot of heavy and taboo themes, going from things like sexuality to suicide and a lot of others things. And as expected from a furry game it has a lot of spicy stuff, Wich are mostly optional (minus the side-story ones and some characters sprites). I hope that this game continues to grow with the same level of quality and details, and that it gets more attention as it certainly deserves.

Jogo curto mas é muito legal, segue a formula da puppet combo mas ainda é divertido, recomendo.

It's a good mod for such an old game like Doom. It has many secrets and things you can find out, many puzzles and a good soundtrack. If you've never played a doom mod before you need to play with the PK3 not the WAD file.

Uma atmosfera incrível que dá medo, Resident evil 7 é o revival da franquia que conseguiu voltar com o terror depois da decepção do 6. Recomendo jogar.
Ex: Finalmente consegui terminar o jogo e é muito bom, mesmo que a câmera seja um pouco estranha.

It's a photography game where you have 10 minutes to find somethings to take pictures of. Not bad but sometimes it's hard but it's an enjoyable experience but don't expect anything too mind-boggling, it's a game to relax aftere all.