Good, but not my favourite 3D Zelda. Sorry.

Loved this one since childhood, and as you’ll see with my HD review…

Yep, still love it as an adult.

Great game, but I prefer other styles of gameplay.

From what I remember, it’s a good game.

Not usually up on trends, but I did play this one. It’s fun and unique, and doesn’t waste your time.

Pretty good. Not one I’d go back to again too soon.

Not usually a fan of Classic Sonic, but I do like this one. (Also nostalgia, this was one of my first video games.)

My favourite game of all time, thanks to this game having so much amazing qualities that I always go back to loving!

Still need to beat it, but I always go back to this game cause it’s absolutely incredible!

Like the story and characters, but I stopped playing cause of the gameplay. Might try to pick up this series again at some point.

My first true delve into the Ys series. For a game from the 1980s, it holds up surprisingly well, even if it’s still vague as hell. Had way more fun with this than I expected.

Amazing! This game is just pure fun, and remains a favourite of mine in this series even now.