Whether or not this counts as a mainline Mario game is up for debate, but either way this is a great platformer. It takes a bit to adjust to after playing Mario 3 and World back-to-back which I find can be fairly short adventures, while this game feels much meatier with some levels that are longer or more puzzle-like in their structure compared to an average Mario level. It controls like a dream and it's fun seeing how certain gameplay mechanics and elements ended up carrying over to 2D Mario's return in the New Soup games. And of course the game is gorgeous and still really hold up today. The art direction is great of course, but the animation and all the sprite work is just really brilliant lovely to look at.

It's still not a perfect game, I think the Baby Mario mechanic can get really tiring especially in those moments of panic where you've already been hit and Mario is floating away and you keep getting hit and recoiling back, that's never fun. I also never really enjoyed the transformation sections, they were just always something to get through. Would've probably preferred more traditional power-up

But whatever, this game is still great I'm glad I finally gave it a shot!

I don't really know how to rate this. I'd say I mostly enjoy the gameplay atleast as much as in the first two games, web swinging and combat is as good as ever. Part of me even enjoys this story more than the first game's. It's so much bigger and crazier and pulling in more stuff I really like from the comics, but it also feels far more undercooked than the original game's story. They don't fully capitalize on all the beats of the story, Miles doesn't feel like very well intergrated into the main plot, I don't love what they do with Venom (no matter how cool he looks and sounds) and nothing hit as hard as the raw emotional gut punch of the first game's ending. There's a lot more to it than just the story that makes me unsure if I like this game more or less than the original, but I've also played that game so many more times and I wanna give this a little more time to simmer in my mind. I atleast wanna do a NG+ playthrough before rating it. (Whenever the fuck that's coming out).

Sonic CD builds on Sonic 1's foundation, but is an overall more comfortable adventure I feel. You're able to tailor it more to the kinda Sonic experience you want out of it. You can do the more classic approach of doing the special stages and getting all the Time Stomes or you can make the effort to travel through time, explore all the levels and destroy the machines in the past. It's up to you! Granted, the level design is made moreso for the ladder playstyle, with big vertical levels that you speed through fairly quickly if you're just heading for the goal. Plus when you do go for the machines in the past they can sometimes be in pretty bullshit positions. Either way I don't think this game is quite as amazing and well-structured and designed as 2 and 3, but still a lot more enjoyable than the original. Plus the japanese soundtrack rules.

Levels like Green Hill Zone and Star Light Zone are real treats, but Sonic 1 overall is a rollercoaster between pretty fun high-speed action and really slow, boring and frustrating platforming. Maybe if I put more time into it I'd get more enjoyment out of it, but I think I'll just stick to Sonic 2 and 3. This game just feels like a bit of a chore to get through.

This game is so damn addicting. I'm in the post-game and it feels like the kind of post-game I could be working for like the next year, in the best way possible.

Got this as a Christmas gift on Steam, thx Marcus!

I think this game gets a lot of things right. The physics feel right, the levels are generally pretty fun, feels like it has the proper amount of replayability, especially with all the characters you can choose from, to make up for the short length. It's another classic Sonic game and I genuinely did enjoy my time with it, it just doesn't reach the heights of 2, 3 or even Mania. It rounds out to being pretty alright in the end which might not be enough for some people, but I think it is for me.

Dear lord though, the bosses… Practically none of them feel like good Sonic bosses. There's basically no opportunities to get extra hits in and speed up the fight as you learn more about it. There's so much waiting around or getting it to hit itself or whatever. Not that thats wrong, but I dont think any good 2D Sonic boss should work that way and it's how all of them work. One of the joys of the Silver Sonic fight in Sonic 2 for example is how as you keep redoing it you start noticing more opportunities to get a hit in, you get multiple hits in a row and you just keep beating it faster and faster. Like the levels as a whole, the more you learn about the boss the faster you can beat it. You don't really get that with the bosses in Superstars. The final boss is very long, very tedious and it just gets a little annoying. The bosses are the one big wrinkle in this game for me.

A generally comfortable experience, if you want some more 2D Sonic action I'd say give it a try, but it is definitely brought down a bit for me by the boss fights.

I honestly love playing this when it's me and my friends in a nice chill server, but playing it alone or in bigger servers is a real bore to me. Lots of good memories, but it's not an amazing game by any means.

I loved this so much! It's very simple, maybe a bit too easy, but the battle system is still very satisfying to get a hang of. The characters and the writing is so charming throughout the whole thing, this is maybe the cutest game I've ever played. And it's just cool to see all these characters and enemies that haven't shown up since the original SNES version came out faithfully recreated and brought back with new life. I wish it was longer, it only took me about 12 hours to finish, but I loved every bit of it. Great, great game.

Thousand-Year Door has been a point of fascination for me ever since I was a kid, but I never had a GameCube so I was never able to play it. So my love for it was always second-hand, watching let's plays and stuff and being absolutely engrossed by the finale. So seeing this get announced had me really excited, even moreso after I finished the Mario RPG remake and I desperately wanted something to fill that hole. This did not disappoint, I absolutely loved every second. Mario RPGs (in general, not the one game named that) just have a unique appeal and brand of fun. Taking the jumbled up , non-cohesive fantasy universe of Mario and bringing it together into what feels like a fully-fleshed out world with new and familiar creatures, fun writing and a full story. It's such a joy to get to know your partners and everyone else you meet on the way. Even if Mario is just a blank-slate, your actions and the attatchments you form with all these silly fellas make you care all the same when things get dire.

Plus the battle system is so much fun to engage with and master. It's that stacking element of all your actions coming together, from planning to execution which makes defeating the bosses battles such a satisfying endeavour. I put on a power plus badge, a charge badge, a jumpman badge, I charge up in battle, do a power lift, and I go to town. That health bar is cut down in big satisfying chunks and it feels so awesome to pull of. Plus, hitting all the action commands adds a whole other level of mastery on top of all the planning you put into it. There's more to the badge system than just increasing raw power of course, but as an example I just find it very satisfying how much of a beast you can turn Mario into with the proper planning and execution.

There's really not much to say, this is just a super fun, polished and lovable little RPG. I desperately hope this does well enough for the Paper Mario series to return to this format. I just need more of these.

I don't know why I skipped right over to Sonic 3 after playing Sonic 1, I guess I was just really eager to play it again since I've been kinda obsessed with that game my whole life, but man Sonic 2 is a great time! The classic Sonic games are just super addicting, sweet and short experiences that I feel like I could replay over and over. There's a bit of a dip with the one-two punch of Metropolis Zone and then Sky Chase, but besides that I had a great time with the rest of the game. My hands were fuckin sweaty while trying to beat the Death Egg Robot, but god damn it felt satisfying to do it! Sonic 3 is still my favorite in the classic series, but this isn't far behind. Great, great game!

I don't know if I would've gotten all the emeralds without the Origins coin system, cus Jesus the special stages are brutal.

This is a weird janky mess with clearly a lot of heart behind it. The story and tone, the enemy design, the characterization is pretty much all I want in future Sonic titles, they nail all of that. The gameplay and level design can get repetitive, frustrating, kinda dull sometimes, but Sonic Team is also a team with not much money and not that big of a crew and they're clearly pushing their limits with big spectacles like the bosses (which are all awesome). Despite everything, I still really enjoy running around these islands and exploring and collecting and doing little platforming chances. There's so, so much potential here and I know I should want more than just "potential" from Sonic at this point, but if they can just stick with this formula and improve from here I think the series could have a truly bright future ahead of it. I don't know if anyone who isn't a Sonic fan would get much enjoyment out of this, but… I am a fan. So, ya know.

It's a comfortable time, but also just one of the more middling Sonic boost titles. Doesn't have the insane speed and precision platforming of Unleashed or the consistantly top notch multiple-choice level design of Generations. It's just fine and sometimes kinda boring.

(I played this with mods just as a heads up. Mostly cosmetic ones to make it a little closer to the Dreamcast version, but still one or two gameplay tweaks I got for the sake of my own sanity.)

Feels pretty satisfying to finally have finished this. This was the big one in terms of all the Sonic games I always wanted to get to, but never did. It's not perfect, it's aged and janky, sometimes even frustrating, but it's still a whole lot of fun and its the origin of my favorite character in the series (and seemingly the basis of the next movie), so even if I didn't love it I owe a lot to Adventure 2. Both the Hero and Dark side stories have their strengths and weaknesses, like I prefer Eggman's mech stages to Tails', but I like Knuckles' treasure hunting more than Rouge's (Sonic and Shadow remain solid across the boards), so the two stories kinda even out in that way. Overall though I think I prefer Dark side since the story is a little more interesting there.

The story isn't great by any means and I won't be upset when the movie doesn't adapt it 1-to-1, but I think Sonic's approach to story in this area was something cool that made it stand out from others in its genre and I think the way these games and their extended media attatched us to these characters is one of the main reasons why the Sonic franchise has remained relevant even at its lowest. We love Sonic, we love these characters and we're always willing to give them another chance.

The gameplay really isn't perfect, but it wasn't nearly as intrusive as I expected it to be. Even the non-Sonic and Shadow stuff I didn't expect to enjoy I ended up having some actual fun with. I don't really have anything deep to say about any of it, I genuinely just think this is a fun and charming game elevated by a weird-ass story and I'm just happy to have finally experienced it all for myself. I'm even more excited for that new movie now than I already was.

(Once again played with mods. Not any gameplay tweaks exactly, just the Dreamcast restoration mod to bring it closer to the original version, though that might've also included some bug fixes.)

I dunno why I played Adventure 2 before Adventure 1, but I'm just glad to have filled this blindspot in the Sonic series for myself. I almost like this as much as Adventure 2, in some aspects I might even like it a little more, but at the same time theres like half of this game I just don't enjoy. Amy, Gamma and Big's campaigns just don't do anything for me. Gamma's stages are just kinda mindless shooting, Amy's stages are kinda slow and boring to drudge through, and Big…

Tails and Knuckles are fun enough to control, but their stages don't feel like they're truly made for their abilities since they're just taken from Sonic's campaign, as is the case for the rest of the characters. I do wish Tails' gameplay from this game was continued in Adventure 2 though instead of mech stages which is more a continuation of Gamma's playstyle. It's fun to fly around, but they're just Sonic's stages again so I just fly over everything and I'm done. Knuckles is fun to control too and I do get a kick outta his treasure hunting. His stages are probably better in the next game, but man the radar is so much better in this one. That really fucks with his stages in Adventure 2 for me. (You can mod that out tho, teehee)

The thing that has me a bit conflicted though is Sonic. His campaign is the meatiest of the bunch, definitely the most fun to go through, and also maybe even better than his stages in Adventure 2? This might still be the best that Sonic has ever controlled in 3D. It's a really great translation of the Genesis controls, plus the levels aren't nearly as hallwayed as they get in Adventure 2. Sonic's campaign is probably better than anything in Adventure 2, but I think as a whole package I just prefer that game. I like more of the stages in general, I think the story is more fun, it's the more consistant experience for me. I don't care for anything outside of Sonic's campaign here, but that campaign is still a really fun time to go through. I love games like Sonic Generations, but after playing the Adventure series I am a little sad that they didn't continue to refine this formula after '06. Sonic Adventure, and Sonic's campaign specifically, I think holds the best possible formula for this series and I'd love to see another attempt at it.

This could be the foundation of the greatest 3D Mario ever made. A completely open world with plenty of fun and exciting platform challenges scattered all over the place AND access to traditional Mario power-ups. All with the buttery-smooth control of 3D Mario. If the next game is anything like this, I know I'm gonna love it.