First of all, its good to see a Final Fantasy come out that wasn't plagued with issues during development. Considering the last decade or more Square Enix has had massive issues with each FF game's development its good to see an FF game come out and deliver what it promised.

Incredible is an under-statement. The feeling of exploration and immersion is second to none. Its a must play for anyone.

If you are new to the souls series, I would recommend some of their easier games first. If you have a PS5, play Demon Souls, then play this.

A great entry point to the soulslike genre if you have never played one of these games before. Its definitely one of the easier titles to play, but it makes sense considering it was the first one.

The quality of this remake is up their with Diablo 2: Resurrected and Resident Evil 2.

I liked RE2 Remake, so I assumed I was going to like this one since its always been a fan favourite, but I just couldn't get into it.

I really enjoy the exploration and puzzle solving in these games, but this one was killed by my lack of enjoyment of dealing with the enemies.

Not going to rate it as its just not my cup of tea.

A good entry in the series compared to the previous game. The combat is a lot of fun, but the game has some minor issues.

V is just not fun at all, it feels very clumsy to control the thralls and its just not a satisfying experience.

Dante is maybe too complicated? I guess hes fine if he was put in for the die hards who like to make combo videos, but from a gameplay perspective its easy to fall into doing random moves and not getting a lot of joy out of it. You could put in the time to become good with him, but you don't because you are over 30 and are too old for this shit.

Overall the game is great, its full of cheesy moments and it has a good 'spectacle' factor.

Would I buy DMC6? Maybe not, my interest in this genre is dead compared to when I was a teenager.

The game starts off really good, but slowly the fun fades and my interest in the characters and story really start to decline as it goes on.

I really enjoyed the first half of the game, the puzzles and exploration are a really fun aspect to it and the story is a continuation of the first game and has lots of twists and turns.

For me the drawbacks really start with the length of the game. My quitting point was about 50% of the way through the story which at this point had already exceeded the playtime I had on the first game after completing it. In my opinion, the story does not keep you entertained long enough to make it to the full playthrough. There is rarely any break in the misery and its sorely needed.

With the story not keeping me hooked, the gameplay was what was left, but the combat in these type of games just tends to annoy me, so after 15 or more hours, I had to put it down.

Long story short, if this game was a similar length to the first one, I think I would have enjoyed it a lot.

Its rare that I'm so let down by a sequel.

First of all the gameplay is pretty much exactly the same as the first one, maybe this is not a problem since the first one was very good? You would think so, but its simply just boring after a while.

The world itself is nice and fun to explore, but theres only so many times you can do the same fight.

Where this game really falls apart is the story. The characters are so bad that I just quit playing.

The relationship between Kratos and his son is tedious. Its like the writers said, lets make every interaction between them as annoying as possible and then they got to work.

The puzzles may as well not exist because someone in the game will tell you how to do it within a couple of minutes, god forbid you want to take your time and look around. Nope, puzzles will be spoiled.

There is a section where you only control Atreus, this part of the game is the beginning of the end. If you don't enjoy that part, the game is not for you.

Bloodborne is the only souls game that I've beaten multiple times. Its a game everyone has to at least try once.

Its biggest downfall is the 30 fps limit, but you do get used to it. Hopefully one day they will give this game the Demon Souls treatment.

Probably the best platformer ever made


One of the best puzzle games I've ever played. You feel like a genius everytime you figure a puzzle out.

The music for this game is burned into my mind in a good way. Even when I was 10 I would turn this game on just to listen to the music.

Was having fun with this, but even after this 2.0 patch I ran into game breaking bugs on the main quest.

Couldn't talk to the girl in the van in Disasterpiece, I had a couple of save files to try it a few different ways, but they all end up with that girl sitting in the van not talking to you. I also lost the use of the phone for no obvious reason, even though the objective of the other 'main quest' was to call someone and talk to them.

I guess its the new trend to pretend that this game is a bug free experience now, but my last 2 play sessions with this game have been just trying to get passed bugged main quests.

Average. The combat isn't clicking for me and I'm not a huge fan of the setting.

The game just didn't feel good to play