53 Reviews liked by Vookatos

An incredible refresh of Mega Man. Great level design, music, and bosses. I love how insane the X series got and how frequently it was about terrorism and how authorities could use that public fear to label their enemies as terrorists.

One of those games you play for three minutes because it's in the Nintendo Switch SNES library.

My first Metroid was actually Metroid Prime. I didn't get to play this game until I started emulating stuff in middle school. I played it for real and completed it for the first time when I got it on Virtual Console. There's no wonder why dozens upon dozens of game developers try to emulate the experience and level design of this game. I feel that there are very few titles that have come close to emulating the map design of this game.

The only thing I could knock this game for is two segments where it's a little difficult to figure out what to do when you're a first time player... and I guess it's a little finicky to control. It's certainly not as snappy feeling as the GBA titles.

Never finished this, but I love the spectacle of this game. The big mech made out of individual sprites that chases after you on the highway owns.

It's really hard to go wrong with Picross.

The inception of the Metroidvania, I guess? It's a kickass game with a lot of weird little details and secrets. Absolutely love the weird reverb they put on all of the voice acting. The menu you access all the time is ugly as hell and looks like placeholder developer art.

I feel like I should like Warped the most out of the trilogy, but in my eyes it suffers from its variety of gameplay. Too many of the stages end up being about driving motorcycles, flying planes, or riding jetskis. I wish there were more normal platforming levels.



It's not a bad platformer... but it's not great, either. I ironically love Gex and his very bad jokes.

The first attempt at 3D Gex. It's... not great. Level themes repeat too frequently.

This game has a great atmosphere, interesting story, and surprisingly good voice acting with some good mocap. It's a shame that the battle system is pretty ass.

A breezy RPG that only takes 8 to 10 hours. Fun, simple battle system with customizable guns and equipment. Lots of cool FMVs with explosions and goo monsters in them. Also a Christmas game! That's always fun.

Doesn't quite have the same magic as the first one. The transition to Resident Evil style combat was a mistake.

Incredible atmosphere and scares that hold up today thanks to the wonderful art direction. Love its multiple endings and how quickly you can get to them once you know the routes through the game.

One time I tried renting Mega Man X2 and when I opened the case on the car ride home I discovered a copy of Quest 64 was inside instead.