
Nothing here!

this one was pretty cool
it was hell of a fun and underrated, if you are transformers fan or tps lover give it a shot...
story mode is kind of a platformer game, and i hate platformer games
i love this one when i was a kid.....
i love it when i was a kid and played too many hours but i don't have a memory card on my ps2 that is why process is deleted everytime...
It's too long and i'm not simp...
eventhough i love the aesthetics this one is pretty annoying.
game is cool but i'm noob
just cause 3 is better than this
shitty fps game. also I supported koreans while i playin in....
love this one but the car mission.... ugghh
same reason with spiderman 3
I abondened it cuz I supported the soviets while playing the game... jokes aside it's lit bit old...
details, smart ai and the piss filter in this game makes me return cuz i love pi...
i aboneded it where creatures show up cuz creatures are sucks
i abondened it cuz i thought it was a dead space clone ....I found out 10 years later that dead space came out after this game lmao.
It's been a while since I moved away from the ff7 story. It's not bad, not good. i don't think i'll play this game rest of my life...
i mean it's alright....
so repetetive
eventhough i love this game and started 3 times, i aboneded idk why.
actually love this more than 2 and played like 10 hours and left it cuz it's still so repetitive...
so repetitive also it's grind shooter. I gifted my friends to play co-op this game. Result: we bored together.
probably first psp game i've ever played also did i mention i hate platformers ?

1 Comment

1 year ago

I mean it's alright like

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