A great licensed hidden gem based on an IP I haven't thought about in years.

The game mainly pulls from Super Mario Sunshine with The way the Smurfizer gun works, but its handled in a way where all the abilities are unified to one weapon.

Very fun game, don't miss out on it!

An okay game I liked enough to go through and see the True Ending for. I love the character designs, style, got solid music, writing is pretty decent, and I ADORE the concept of playing a videogame in the perspective of the antagonist however it's execution falls short due to how the game feels.

The game is floaty, clunky, and a bit cheap in some spots where it makes some parts of the game annoying to play through including its main appeal of controlling "the boss" in some portions of the game.

Overall, this game deserved better or at least another stab at the concept. Far from the worst indies I've touched, but Nefarious would land in the middle or bottom of my list of indie game recommendations.

I played this years back on the Wii because my brother got it on the birthday when I got Super Mario Galaxy

Mindless 3D Brawler but it controls well for what it is and its short. A solid Shrek game, not as great as Shrek 2 and Super Slam though.

This game radiates massive SNES vibes with its soundtrack and simple premise. Reach the end of each stage while platforming off tightropes with a unicycle.

Definitely recommend scooping up on Steam, its only $5!

Very fun little game! Music is nice and the gameplay is super addicting and simple

Check this game out alongside Adventure Island's other titles!

A funny little footnote in Nintendo's Gamecube history. The music is pretty cool and this game is defs up there with having my favorite Bowser battles unironically.

I wasn't going to play this game initially until a friend said it actually had decent level design, so I played it, and yeah. Massive improvement over the first game in terms of control, level design, music, and charm.

It still has some issues with enemy placement in the levels and knockback from getting hit by an enemy but overall, solid game. I'd play it after playing Clockwork Knight 1 & 2 and Astal

I last played Returns in 2011-2012 so its been 10-11 years since I last revisited it, and I liked it alot more now as an adult.

I still think it plays a little safe with some stuff (stage theming, Rambi, only the three kongs) and I still view the Tiki Tribe as very unmemorable antagonists. For the former point I'm a bit forgiving on those things cause it was Retro's first time handling the IP, so sticking with a simple scope worked especially since the last country game was DKC3 on SNES at the time Returns dropped.

As a first impression with Retro's jump to handle DKC, they did a great job maintaining the challenge the original trilogy had. A massive oversight being the Minecart & Rocketbarrel levels essentially being OHKO gauntlets which I still see as unfairly punishing despite my increased skill on games over the years.

Music was nice, game still holds up visually all these years later. Bosses didn't take as long as I remembered them being, but a fair amount really overstay their welcome. Never understood why the Wii Classic Controller was never natively supported for this game, it could've worked as I still believe the motion control was shoehorned in (which for a 2010 Wii game, its pretty silly)

I'm still not sure if I'd rank it above or below DKC1, but Returns is a game worth playing. I'm more appreciative of what it represents and what it led to and I think it should be remembered for those reasons.

Cute little romp, very responsive and Kiwi is fun to control! Siactro back at it again with another fun little game.

A solid followup to an amazing game. Wasn't too big on the changes made to Black & Orange's levels, but the boss fights and movement options are addictive.

Loved this game a ton. The characters and world got me super invested the moment I started it up. Really glad I chose this as my first DQ game.

Only nitpick would be the grind in a few spots but thats really it.

Great remake for an amazing game! Couldn't put my 3DS dowm at all playing it (until it was dying).

I have a few little nitpicks of the game, but they're not enough for me to say this isn't a great remake. Definitely worth your time with all the QoL improvements.

Completely ignored Bowser's Minions. Just watch the cutscenes on Youtube.

An amazing game a port to the GBA. The music took a bit of a hit but guven the hardware I get why.

A fun novelty and interesting look at what's probably the Saturn's only rhythm game. While it borrows a lot from Parappa's blueprints, it makes up for having an interesting cast of characters both in style and with the music itself.

Hope an english fan translation drops for this game one day.