Very fun, better than 7 in my opinion. Has one of the most terrifying set pieces in recent videogame memory. The last area feels a little dragged on, and not every boss is a winner, but it's a shockingly well put together chimera of lot's of past resident evil ideas that, while not exactly breaking new ground, come together to make a satisfying game.

It has tears, it has laughs, and a little of everything more. I think the middle of the game is kind of weak and tries to establish a complicated conspiracy plot that the game didn't really need, and too many characters get shoved onto the sidelines (and yet still show up to remind us they've been shoved off) but the story has a lot of heart, with some great sidequests and a ridiculously strong climax.

The gameplay is pretty... boring, once you get past the ludicrous presentation of it all, which didn't happen for me until the end, so I was amused just seeing the different enemy types that show up. Didn't play the postgame tower because it is grriiiiindy. Can be played without playing the other games, but theres one part of the game that might be a bit confusing.

A huge improvement from the original, but still lacking in a lot of areas like weapon variety. The bosses are fun, but the refights are... not great. The combat isn't super responsive and theres not a lot of options you have, and the refights are just insanely ramped in every direction. It felt more like I was expected to exploit the rpg mechanics as opposed to treating it like an action game.

The story is better than I expected, but it also feels super top heavy; basically everything after you unlock the gate is what you'll remember, and everything before that feels like empty wandering plot-wise.

Anyways, it's decent. Worth checking out, at least.

It's fun, short and sweet. I feel like one of the talent trees is a bit too overtuned compared to the others (blue) and I think the later half of the bosses are disappointingly easy, but still. Fun enough.

The deadfire archipelago is an incredible setting that bleeds personality through every conversation you have and every pirate you face. The main story doesn't feel quite as ambitious as the original PoE1, but the increased focus on some of the most interesting characters in the setting (the pantheon) and a great 'overall' scenario in the various factions, PoE2 is a worthy play for most crpg fans.

Though, I will say, I think the companions romance in particular is... quite bad, there's no real way to get around it.

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"We refuse."

It's hard to rate this, since I've never played this game alone and will never, but from the experience I have to go off of, it's stellar. I don't think it super sticks the landing, the ending cutscenes felt a bit phoned in, but the journey getting there is fantastic.

It looked fun, it was a jank pile of not fun

Not bad, fun level design and neat artstyle. Enemy design looks good but kind of lacking, they don't feel different from another, and the bosses are.... wow. They sure exist.

Fun, deeply customizable ARPG that can be hard to put down. Has too many damage types and while crucible is fun much of the endgame elements aren't, but builds are super satisfying to make and see come online.

So much worse than Gen 7 that it's almost comedic. The wild area is just the most baffling, devoid of content piece of game I've ever seen. The routes, if they can even be called that, are barely there, the dungeon design is... non existent... it goes on. The DLC did a lot, but it's hard to add content to such a mid game even at its best.

It's the first game, except more controversy.

Great protagonist and (some) great side characters. Story feels like it dips into a long mcguffin hunt around the middle, but apart from that it's solid character work. Magilou for life.

The gameplay is... it's not good, there's no other way to say it. It's hard to even tell what's happening or why sometimes, and changing the difficulty never felt like it increased the challenge, just the tedium. The complete lack of dungeon design and open maps of nothing don't help it either. Don't play this game expecting great gameplay.

It's a decent game that I think capcom needed to make to get the series back on track, but I don't think it measures up to its reception.

The utter disaster that is the enemy variety in the game hurts it the second you meet the mold. The bakers are decent villains, but they are the only break between fighting mold monsters on repeat. Once you realize the game really has no teeth and isn't going to hurt you in any other way but a hillbilly or a ball of slime, the tension goes right out the window.

If you don't realize this though, the game does have a tense atmosphere, and again, the bakers are decent. But it's mostly a stepping stone to get to the much better RE8, Imo.