Great aesthetic and world-sense with some fun narration, but largely a boring slog through repetitive enemies and caves doing fetch quests for currency that barely matters.

It's fun, short and sweet. I feel like one of the talent trees is a bit too overtuned compared to the others (blue) and I think the later half of the bosses are disappointingly easy, but still. Fun enough.

Good aesthetic and sound design but gameplay is pretty mechanically barren, dungeon design feels like it was always on the cusp of doing something interesting but never moved behind 'light every torch in the room' type of puzzles. Not bad, but not memorable.

The deadfire archipelago is an incredible setting that bleeds personality through every conversation you have and every pirate you face. The main story doesn't feel quite as ambitious as the original PoE1, but the increased focus on some of the most interesting characters in the setting (the pantheon) and a great 'overall' scenario in the various factions, PoE2 is a worthy play for most crpg fans.

Though, I will say, I think the companions romance in particular is... quite bad, there's no real way to get around it.

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"We refuse."

It's hard to rate this, since I've never played this game alone and will never, but from the experience I have to go off of, it's stellar. I don't think it super sticks the landing, the ending cutscenes felt a bit phoned in, but the journey getting there is fantastic.

Does a few things better than the sequel still, especially combat freedom, and has a charming, oldschool storybook feel to its atmosphere. Great game with a friend.

Every time I wanted to keep playing I felt the need to runback to a save, since theres no boss or enemy retry in the year of our lord 2021

basically a dressed up SNES game, doesn't offer much.

It looked fun, it was a jank pile of not fun

Not bad, fun level design and neat artstyle. Enemy design looks good but kind of lacking, they don't feel different from another, and the bosses are.... wow. They sure exist.

Fun, deeply customizable ARPG that can be hard to put down. Has too many damage types and while crucible is fun much of the endgame elements aren't, but builds are super satisfying to make and see come online.

Good story, decent gameplay, thank god it's saved from the graveyard of the Wii.

The quintessential SMT experience. Not exactly the most balanced game out there or even in the running, but is chalk full of atmosphere and personality that's hard to find elsewhere. Abrasive in a way most RPG's aren't, and definitely requires a specific mindset to enjoy these days, but if you're going to play an SMT game this is the one.

I'll say it over and over again, Gen 7 is the best mainline entry in the series by a mile. Full with content and desperately needed formula changes and the most enjoyable setting to date in Alola. And it's sad that gamefreak would regress so hard in SWSH, but what can be done. Gen 7 and gen 5 for life.

Gen 6 is pretty widely shit on, and with good reason. It was cool seeing Pokemon in full 3d, but X/Y just... straight up has elite 4 members without full teams. It's easy to the point of feeling like an autobattler at times, and was a huge step back in ambition compared to gen 5. By far the most skippable generation.