I don't really know how to rate this game. Its script is incredible, its tone unique to it, the game runs at like 15 fps and the combat gets repetitive 20 minutes in. And the final boss is.... wow, it sure is the final boss of a videogame.

I love it. Except when I don't. But I do even when I don't.

I can't rate this game., truly. It is, in my humble opinion, the best written game of all time on a text basis, with an absolutely amazing setting, but every single time you have to stop reading and play the game is an abortion of the senses. If you do want to play it, I really recommend using a guide and just following it 1-1.

It's a decent game that I think capcom needed to make to get the series back on track, but I don't think it measures up to its reception.

The utter disaster that is the enemy variety in the game hurts it the second you meet the mold. The bakers are decent villains, but they are the only break between fighting mold monsters on repeat. Once you realize the game really has no teeth and isn't going to hurt you in any other way but a hillbilly or a ball of slime, the tension goes right out the window.

If you don't realize this though, the game does have a tense atmosphere, and again, the bakers are decent. But it's mostly a stepping stone to get to the much better RE8, Imo.

I played more awhile, but honestly the combat feels... pretty overrated. I played on the hardest default difficulty the game offered me and nothing even provided the slightest challenge, and the combat system feels more like a beat em up than a character action game.

The weapons barely feel different from each other, the combo trees all feel the same... the enemy design looks cool, but are all defeated the same by the exact same strategy; pressing the dodge button, because witch time shatters the game and is extremely generous on timing. I don't know, the game was just kind of disappointingly easy and lacked the depth I thought it was going to have.

Great protagonist and (some) great side characters. Story feels like it dips into a long mcguffin hunt around the middle, but apart from that it's solid character work. Magilou for life.

The gameplay is... it's not good, there's no other way to say it. It's hard to even tell what's happening or why sometimes, and changing the difficulty never felt like it increased the challenge, just the tedium. The complete lack of dungeon design and open maps of nothing don't help it either. Don't play this game expecting great gameplay.

It's the first game, except more controversy.

Gen 5's plot gets more credit than it deserves I think, thanks to mostly the sheer shift of tone from previous games, but still, it is commendable. This has my favorite aesthetic of pokemon, I'd say. Lots of little details in idle animations for pokemon, and even in the music. It's the most linear in the whole series and doesn't even pretend it's more than just a straight line until post-game, but if you can get past that, Imo Gen 5 is the best of the 2d era.

Imo, Gen 2 is by far the most overrated generation in the whole series and is made practically pointless thanks to HG/SS, but that's not a bad thing. This is the only good way to experience Johto with mountains upon mountains of content. Theres still some issues that are inherent to Johto, but this is by far the best remake Gamefreak did.

I'll always fondly remember gen 4 for introducing the physical special split and making pokemon like, playable. Sinnoh is not bad either.

So much worse than Gen 7 that it's almost comedic. The wild area is just the most baffling, devoid of content piece of game I've ever seen. The routes, if they can even be called that, are barely there, the dungeon design is... non existent... it goes on. The DLC did a lot, but it's hard to add content to such a mid game even at its best.

Gen 6 is pretty widely shit on, and with good reason. It was cool seeing Pokemon in full 3d, but X/Y just... straight up has elite 4 members without full teams. It's easy to the point of feeling like an autobattler at times, and was a huge step back in ambition compared to gen 5. By far the most skippable generation.

I'll say it over and over again, Gen 7 is the best mainline entry in the series by a mile. Full with content and desperately needed formula changes and the most enjoyable setting to date in Alola. And it's sad that gamefreak would regress so hard in SWSH, but what can be done. Gen 7 and gen 5 for life.

The quintessential SMT experience. Not exactly the most balanced game out there or even in the running, but is chalk full of atmosphere and personality that's hard to find elsewhere. Abrasive in a way most RPG's aren't, and definitely requires a specific mindset to enjoy these days, but if you're going to play an SMT game this is the one.

Good story, decent gameplay, thank god it's saved from the graveyard of the Wii.

Fun, deeply customizable ARPG that can be hard to put down. Has too many damage types and while crucible is fun much of the endgame elements aren't, but builds are super satisfying to make and see come online.