The Roguelike Game I've ever played

Great game, very cute, super fun physics, draws well deserved comparisons to Kuru Kuru Kururin and physics based flash games. Who the fuck hurt you to make the end of the game like that though?

Hey! Whaddya know! They CAN make a game that's fun and has at least an engaging story and themes!

The single best Castlevania game. Like 50% as good as Super Metroid.

Tower of Heaven but it costs money

Excellent Pokémon clone, equally excellent classic Final Fantasy. Its anime as hell story super charges both the humor and the melodrama while paying tribute to a legendary series in the dumbest most Ready Player One way possible. The extremely good kind of junk food

Doesn't get good until more than 10 hours in and also looks like a DS game still but still the best Pokemon game ever made

Holds up remarkably well, but also is definitely still firmly an 8-bit RPG. My only hot take is that I prefer it to the remakes.

Like a pretty fun mobile/arcade game

Very good groundwork for a new direction the series could go in and beats the everloving shit out of Star Allies, but also still can't quite compete with Robobot as a full package imo

Thank god it's not a fucking Soulslike

What if Wall-E had bloodlust?