Way WAAAAY too many mechanics for a portable game with an emphasis on story and characters. Requires an absurd amount of dedication and personal time investment for very little to no return. Would in fact be easier to pilot an actual starfleet. Also the main character wants to fuck his sister.

An itch.io game that you spend 40 dollars on. Knock it out in a weekend, or don't and then just stop playing after 10 hours anyway.

Absolute Best Game to star English Philosopher Roger Bacon as Yoda from Star Wars, besides of course Koudelka

And Shadow Hearts 2

Tale of the cruelty of Man and the cage we all hope to be set free from by our own children

Really great loading screen mini-game

Like a really good show you remember from the 80's that felt a lot better than Transformers or He-Man and then you find out later it was actually a show from Japan called Macross

It's trite but literally like playing a cartoon. We went from Garfield and Friends to Animaniacs with this one. Superbly excellent buffet table of a video game.