This is a really well made game, holds up fairly well. Keep in mind i don't have any nostalgia for this game, played it for the first time in 2023.
Metal Gear Solid is very ambitious , it not only tells an engaging story but also has fun stealth gameplay along with fun and iconic characters and boss fights.
The story and vibe of this game are very reminiscent of 90s Hollywood action flicks and anime, which makes a really fun combo.
Overall this is worth well your time , a true classic.

More of an action game than a horror game. You aren't locked in there with the monster , they are locked in there with you.
Going into this game i didn't think i would end up loving it for the combat the best.
The guns in this game are so satisfying to use, cause it does things a bit differently, instead of aiming for the head , you have to aim for limbs. Guns in this game literally cut off the enemies body parts it makes for such a satisfying gun play.
Also it has one of the coolest looking armors in video game history.

Good game had me engaged right from the beginning, with its soundtrack , unique fantasy world and tv show like pacing.
Usually don't like these sort of games but this one is definitely a stand out. Got me into the Fable comics, which i am thankful for.

Amazing atmosphere , amazing soundtracks along with one of the best exploration. I don't say this for lot of games but this is definitely something everyone should experience once.


Most addicting gameplay loop , when you get that particular combo of upgrades on that specific run , its orgasmic.

Amazing 2D artwork and animation followed with a very addicting gameplay. The combat might be frustrating at first if you aren't used to beat em ups but once you get the hang of it damn this game is fun as hell.
I loved it so much it made me wanna go back and play all those old beat em ups.