One of the few times where I think my views on a work perfectly align with the general consensus.

The Outer Worlds is fine, it's good even, but even as someone who isn't completely head-over-heels for Fallout New Vegas (and knew going in that it would be a smaller scale project befitting it's AA budget), I was left wanting more than what was offered.

That being said, there is a solid and interesting enough foundation here that can be improved upon by a future entry, and can be used to make something really special.

I dunk on Kojima for being a really bad writer constantly, and the overall quality of his output ( I N M Y O P I N I O N ) usually ranges from just "good" to "FUCKING INSUFFERABLE" (cough Policenauts cough).

However, I'd be lying if I said Metal Gear Solid 2 wasn't a fantastic game.

MGS3 too...

It's a great game, and a solid modernized adaptation of the '98 classic. But with me being my biased ass, I think it misses the mark in a few areas which prevents me from completely loving it as much as I really want to.

Practicing my shinobi ways by snorting coke off my 97 Chevy Lumina's dashboard in the back alley of my local Rite Aid and stabbing any dipshit who crosses my path with my conceal carry toothbrush.

Reconsidering some life choices after playing this one...

There are a lot of really cool and actually ambitious ideas here, but the overall package is wonky and leaves a lot to be desired. I think there is enough here to keep it from being a straight up bad game, but it get's close to crossing that line.

"FILTERED". My fingers dance across my offensively bright RGB mechanical keyboard. I have have typed this word and ones similar to it a thousand times. My index finger, which has become abnormally strong from repeatedly mashing R1, spins my Razer Deathadder V2 Gaming Mouse's wheel, as my bloodshot eyes do an occular assessment of various forums and web pages. I vanquish my foes in just a few characters, one by one.

My eyes then turn to the semen-encrusted poster of Miyazaki that looms above me. I am bathed in his enrapturing presence as our gazes lock. I whisper "They shall not hurt you, my beloved. They shall not defile your honor and go unpunished."

I return to my solemn duty...

Since time immemorial, people have fisted for good and for evil. But in 1991, Natsume changed fisting FOREVER...

This isn't even something that's unfun but makes for an overall compelling experience like Pathologic, it's actually just dogshit. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to your face, and you aught to distance yourself from them. You deserve better.

This game's greatest contribution to the medium was being a joke in Blue Stinger.

I've had more engaging, entertaining and meaningful experiences shaving my pubic hair than I ever had with any of David Cage's works.

I'm not a trans girl, so I assume a lot of this game's greatness simply does not register to my feeble, gay-ass lizard brain, but I do remember liking it a fair bit.

Out of all the games in the Fatal Frame series, I still think the first entry is the scariest. I believe that's mainly due to how gruesome and otherworldly the ghosts actually look and move. They don't always slowly shuffle towards you like in later entries, rather they can float or fly right at ya', and they are fast too! And while it might not seem like much now, the heavy post processing effects on the ghosts were really impressive back in the day, and still serve to make the spirits look like crawled from another plain of existence. Pair this with the well designed and creepy as Hell Himuro Mansion, and ya' got yourself a really creepy game!

That being said, Fatal Frame is rough around the edges (literally, I think I have got caught on geometry more in this game than any other I have played before or since), with difficultly balancing that is wonky to say the least and puzzles that get repetitive really quickly. That being said, the game is only six hours, so these issues don't get too out of hand to the point of really dragging the game down.


We live in a strange, bizzaro world where Metal Wolf Chaos somehow not only got localized and published in the U.S. 15 years after it dropped in Japan, but also gets remastered in HD, yet this languishes on the PS2.

Glad to know Fromsoft have their priorities straight, but I think it would be nice if they (probably get someone else to) do a remaster of this someday, too.