The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall is a vast improvement over its predecessor, Daggerfall takes everything that worked in Arena and improves it. The towns of Daggerfall now feel like actual locations, with distinct landmarks and layouts that actually make a lick of sense, the map for these towns is also much more useful, with NPCs helping out to find locations in a less random manner. The main quest line is now a completely non-linear adventure with the plot being more about discovery than going through points A to B, this makes the game much more replayable than Arena by default. The world itself is now actually explorable, as the towns are all connected in one giant world, however, similarly to Arena, the (now not so) endless void between towns is entirely pointless and can be completely ignored by using fast travel.

The gameplay itself is also vastly improved upon, your movement options have expanded to allow better stealth mechanics, climbing, and more thought-out platforming/jumping. Alongside this the dungeons are completely overhauled, gone are the flat, layer-by-layer dungeons of Arena, now we have randomly generated sprawling dungeons with tunnels and paths intersecting layers, going up and down and all around at all times, huge open halls to explore and endless corridors of secrets to uncover. The only downside to this is some minor sidequests can lead to these gigantic dungeons, but in moderation, these dungeons are a blast.

The soundtrack for this game takes a lot of tracks from Arena, and remixes/expands upon them along with adding quite a few of its own original tracks, all of which set a great tone to the game, along with just sounding great.

For my playthrough I decided to be a Mage this time around, the default classes in Daggerfall leave a lot to be desired and do not particularly suit any playstyle so its best to simply create a custom class. The spells in Daggerfall are once again, great, with some more op spells removed, such as passwall. Rather than simply buying spells, you have the option to make your own, which is awesome, but also makes buying spells totally obsolete, as you can simply create all your spells to your liking. There is also now a better enchanting system, with passive enchants, use on enchants, etc. building off Arenas enchantments which were simply spells attached to items, this system is near game-breaking but is fun for late game. There is also an alchemy system, with ingredients you collect throughout the game, but I personally didn't even touch this mechanic as I had spells to cover me rather than potion effects.

The main issue I have seen discussed about Daggerfall, is the aforementioned giant dungeons, but also the unstableness/bugs of the original release, for that reason I opted to use the Unity remake of Daggerfall for my playthrough, and due to the apparent glitchy nature of the original, I would advise this version be the definitive version, as it is a feature complete remake, simply with more optimisation and options.

Daggerfall is a fantastic sequel and a great game, the seeds that were planted for the Elder Scrolls series in Arena are beginning to grow in Daggerfall and it was a pleasure to revisit this piece in Elder Scrolls history.

I had a surprising amount of fun with Arena. Do the controls suck,? Yes. Does every town look more or less the same? Yes. Do I care? No!... Ok maybe a little, but after some adjustment and accepting the fact that this a game from a different era, you can get some entertainment from the sprawling dungeons and NPCs.

The game has side quests and a fully open randomly generated world to explore, but these are almost entirely pointless, as they yield no real reward, I suppose you can simply use them for the sake of roleplaying but they are pretty much a waste of time and can be entirely ignored.

The soundtrack (At least on the version I was playing which was the steam release) is also pretty good! A few tracks repeat often and can get on your nerves but for the most part they are pretty stellar.

The class variety is also pretty impressive, I did my main playthrough as a Knight, then did some experimenting with a mage after and there is a wide variety of unique and interesting spells and such in this game to utilise. This is somewhat important to the game as it is the only true replay value, as the main quest is extremely linear and as mentioned the sidequests are all but a distraction.

Before playing this game I heard a lot about the SCATHING UNFORGIVING difficulty of this game, which, in my experience really is not true. I was expecting super cryptic messages and directionless quests, but no, this game is very clear with what you need to do and where you need to go, but not in an overbearing handholding way, it just makes very obvious "hints" and indications as to who you need to ask to find out what information.

One of the huge things that put people off in this game are the controls, and thankfully there is an easy fix to this with mods and editing files and the like, but I did not do this! (Totally by choice and not because I didn't realise such options existed). I actually got used to the controls rather quickly, you will have to shift your keyboard over to the left to actually hit the arrow keys and move the mouse accordingly, but, for me, it was bearable, with the exception to jumping which I did as little as possible. But even with that said, the controls are not good and are far beyond acceptable for most people.

Overall is this game comparable to the other Elder Scrolls games to come, probably not, but is it worth playing? I would say yes!

This game has a lot of potential, however there is little to do past boring grind. Don't be put off by all of the reviews on steam saying its unplayable due to "toxic players" because in my experience it wasnt true. Buy this game on a sale it is not worth the full price.

This games tutorial is absolutely abysmal forcing you to sit through walls of text in single player before you can start an actual game with friends, and even then the tutorial fails to teach you most of the important stuff about the game, make sure to watch a guide atleast before diving in. And even past that it basically just plays like a bad gmod server. Could be fun with friends, but more or less anything can be fun with friends if you want it to be.

I totally adore the aesthetics of this game. The low res style makes it look very much akin to a DS game, with alot of inspiration from the animal crossing series thrown in. The soundtrack is also fantastic. The world itself is so much fun to explore with great characters within. My only real gripe with the game is nearing the end, so for a spoiler-free version, I'll just say I would recommend %100'ing the game and aiming to do all that you can along your journey rather than waiting for post-game.

Minor spoilers for the end portion of the game: In my opinion, the ending of the game is insanely anti-climactic. Considering you spend all game boosting your ability to fly and climb, I was expecting at least some form of test on these abilities as the final gauntlet, but no, the least interesting part about this game funnily enough is the short hike in question. It becomes a little bit more interesting if you do it the more intended way of using the water/flowers to climb, but that seems antithetical to the whole point of it being a "hike" right? I also found the ending dialogue on the phone rather drab and uninteresting which is in contrast to the writing of the rest of the entire game. This is definitely an example of the journey being much greater than the end goal.

PS If you're one of those people who modifies the game to run at a more modern resolution, you don't deserve to play this game.

Play this game for the artistic value alone. The "gameplay" is incredibly straight forward, there was only one "puzzle" in the game that actually made me think. But with that said the use of Ray Tracing is amazing, and the music is pretty great. You could honestly get the same enjoyment level from simply watching somebody else play this, its one of those types of games.

I would recommend playing this (or atleast watching it) however I struggle to recommend actually BUYING it right now, despite how great this game looks and sounds, £15.99/$20.00 is far to much for how short this game is in my opinion. Wait for a sale.

This game is insanely basic. Good fun for about ten minutes, but after that you realise there is little more to this game. The procedural generated world is kind of interesting, but its just random chunks of land in varying shades of colour and the generation of the terrain isnt anything mind blowing, and you only see each world for a brief moment of time before being taken to another one. But considering the fact I bought this for 50p, I cant say it wasnt worth the price of admission. Its a fun arcade style game, but I can only really sit for like 3 runs until shutting it off. Probably would not recommend buying at full price.

Almost every single game is practically identical and there is barely any of them considering you get through each one literally within 10 seconds. The graphics are that done to death uninspired "8bit" look, which is done for the sake of being lazy rather than style. And the music is insanely irritating. Just go play warioware instead this is not a worthwhile competitor to it in anyway. This plays like a terrible free to play mobile game yet it costs $6. Cannot recommend.

This game is trying to be 2 things. An idle game and a Chill wallpaper, yet these two elements conflict and cause it to fail at being either. If you want it for an idle game, there is no "game" its just idling. If you want it for a chill wallpaper, there is no customisability until you sit and wait for coins to buy a crumb to place on the floor.

Its insanely satisfying once you actually manage to pull off a continuous streak of success, yet also insanely punishing after one mistake in the later portions of the game. I wasn't really into the 2 player VS mode stuff all that much, the simplicity of the games nature works excellently for the fast paced endless driving, but the finnicky back and forth fighting was kind of a miss when locked into constantly jeering with another player, although within the confinds of the singleplayer I think the combat elements are a great aspect of the game, even if I suck at doing the input on command.

The soundtrack leaves a lot to be desired, the one continuous loop of mediocrity was ear grating to say the least, its the only thing I really actively dislike about this game, not that the song is awful, just that there is literally only one and it isnt amazing. But other than that really great game.

This game is simple, fun. You play as a shark and eat things/people. If that sounds good to you then buy this game. The simplicity of this game is what made it work for me, the evolution system is very basic and easy to understand yet still allows you to customise for certain situations. Unfortunatley this simplicity does mean that for the most part you are doing more or less the same thing all game, which is worsened by the fact that due to your upgrades the difficulty of the game actually decreases over time, however with that said, the game is relatively short so there wasnt really enough time for the novelty to wear off for me atleast, and being an OP shark just destroying everything in your sight, is kind of the selling point of the game to begin with, so the difficulty declining wasnt really an issue. The story is entertaining enough, and I thought the constant narration/narrator would get super annoying over time, but the lines theyre given are entertaining enough to warrant no complaints. The human characters, bar scaly pete, look awful and are animated awfully, and the AI for the "humans" is laughable they just fall over practically begging to be eaten. The AI in general is quite lacking as none of the fish ever interact or attack eachother, most of the time anything else in the world just serves as fauder for you to devour.

This game's HUGE crutch is its aesthetics, the music, the graphics, the charm, perfection, and even more stunning in the context of it being a SNES game. The transformation variety in this game is also increased due to the combination transformations with the use of Kirby's friends, allowing for some interesting puzzles in levels. However, without going for %100 completion and exploring said puzzles, the actual levels in this game aren't exactly mind-blowing, with some being borderline mind-numbing with long paths of literal nothingness. Definitley dont play this game for an intense challenge or anything. But with that said, if you just want to chillout and have a cute n cool time, then this game ticks all the boxes.

No, I do not recommend this game. This isnt a game, its just a really long animation. The artstyle is cool, the story is super boring and has no nuance to its message at all, you get the point after reading the title. The "Gameplay" is painfully barebones, you literally do nothing but mindlessly press A. The message of the game doesnt even gel with the gameplay at all, its all about making your own choices and defying authority, and yet this game is a super linear set path where you get 0 free will and defy nothing by your own choice. Maybe I would be more kind if this game didnt cost so much, if the concept interests you at all, just watch a playthrough on Youtube. To summarise, this is a game where you get to say the forbidden N word to defeat authority figures who say the word themseleves but prevent others from doing so.

Its another one of those dime-a-dozen sandbox games where you just walk around doing chores for the sake of doing chores. People tend to like these types of games because they're "fun with friends" but at the end of the day if you're playing a game with friends you can make even the worst types of games entertaining, and there is little value to this beyond that, and having something to dump grind into if you easily get hooked on that.

Normies will like it, so play it with your jock friend or something.

Probably the worst Tetris port I've ever played, but even with that said its great for the Channel F. The speed of moving your pieces is atrocious, no rolling is going to save you here. But it does have a fully functioning 2 player which is cool!