This game ... Is weird to me, its more fun and more enjoyable to mess around that rdr2, and yet, i still prefer, in GTA, you can create some crazy and stupid shit like throwing a Grenade in the middle of the road to see everything fly away, but in rdr2, its impossible to reach this level of crazyness. The campaign is way more energetic and varried that rdr2, but i still prefer rdr2, and i thinks its because while the story and the character in rdr2 are perfectly nailed, GTA V, just doesnt have a really compailing story or character. I guess this is also because the setting and graphism arent as good as rdr2, but thats because rdr2 took place in the western and release 5 year after GTA, so i cant blame gta

I really want to love the game, but i just really like it, and thats kind of sad

Brawlhalla is the best smashbros knockoff ever: because its not, really: the system of weapon and different gimmick make it different enough and the roaster is still huge (even tho less good that smash Bros) plus the online isnt complete shit, doesnt it, ultimate ? But ok, honestly, this game had less content, less stage, whi arent really good, a laughable amount of item, and almost all the skin cost money, so thats suck, and yes the mechanic, even tho they are still good, are less exciting and precise that ssbu

This games has the best level design in all the franchise, the best style, the best control, have so many different gameplay and has a great soundtr... nevermind its not that great actually. So yes, its the best crash game ever made...I WOULD SAY THIS IF THE COMPLETION OF THIS GAMES WASNT AWFUL! my god this games is bullshit when you attempt a 100% and the glitchies and animal section doesnt help, i mean, this games was this close of being better than warp, and it frustate me, that it was ruin by such easy thing to fix

Hope that crash 5 would correct those mistake, so we could have the...oh wait Activision has forced the team who made the games to work only for cod warzone YEAHHHHHHHHH...fuck you Activision

Ok edit cause i replayed warped recently...and you know what? I prefer its about time now ...sooooo...oops

Why everyone hate this games? I get it, its not original, but its defenetly more than wii and WiiU: the coin gimmick is neat and oddly addicting, it introduce two original World: flower and mushroom (more like color block world but ok) and the level design is really great here: i get it, the moveset of mario even regressed because of the lack of spin, the boss are terrible (stop spamming thé koopaling and reznor damn it) and the music is litteraly the same as wii, and its painfully easy, but come on this games is cute, stop being mean :(

This games is so great : WHY NO ONE TELLED ME: its pretty, has a very fast paced gameplay, a good amount of varied powerups, and a good challenge overall. The concept of a endless pacman games make so much sensé: WHY NO ONE EVER TRIED BEFORE?

This games is a nice, oddly challenging at some place, gorgeous little puzzle game with the super charismatic Toad...the games can feels repetitive at times and the blowing platformer on 3ds are a pain to use, and the boss arent very good, but its just a simple but fun adventure

Its in my opinion like nsmbw : forgettable...but in 3d now: yes the level design is good (the zelda level is a bop) the moveset of mario is good and he controls great, yes the music is catchy as Fuck...but damn its the only mario 3d games who doesnt have a proper identity...what is his identity ? The racoon the games love to spam

This games can be sum up by his final boss: great, but forgettable

Its fornite

Its ugly
Its unfair
Not polish and glitchies
With everything being p2w
A map who never change
Update who add nothing
And with broken mechanic and weapon

I still like it tho, its weirdly addictive and fun sometime

But yeah a lot of bullshit can be seen here

Damn this game hasnt hold up...i mean it introduce the great concept of pokemon, and has a pretty solid map, but the game is too easy, feels of annoying npc who want to break your met with a clairaffy level 5, and its so redondant. Also Can we agree and shoot in the ground the stupid cut a tree attack who make us lost at least one slot on our active pokemon

Also...A wIlD UsElEsS cReAtUrE ApPeArEd


ok, i can see why this games is beloved, the first 3d Mario kart games and the first good mario kart games, the level design is a step up compared to super mario kart (except for rainbow road and one or two other track: WHAT HAPPENS HERE?) Ok, the battle mode is the second best of the franchise, and its nostalgic for a lot of people...but come on, the games was ugly even back then, the control arent very good and the item balance his broken (idk if its a good or bad thing), the cpu are still cheater and everything is unlock from the get go...WHY?

In the end...a great introduction for the franchise, but nothing more

The story mode is actually good, so this is the best cod of the 5 last year

No seriously its fun in multiplayer, but god, they are almost no Map (especially for zombie mode) no weapon and the games in general, if we forgot the campaign, isnt bad, but is so fucking forgettable on everylevel

Not Bad, but not impressive

Im so sorry...but i cant stand the control, idk why i hate so much the motion control here, but for me, it never does what i wanted. Plus this games is more like a remake of punch out on the nes than a original games... because i think, with the exception of dk and mac, not a single fighter are original in the franchise. Finally even tho i love the music and the visual they were coming from...i just hate how the models looks...they looks like plastics...a shame really

This games is one of the best of its kind: its so easy to pick it up, but really hard to master at one hundred pourcent: make team, manage your inventory, build a not so high tech city or a gigantic army to ruin the day of everyone : the number of different soldier, especially when you combine this game with conquest, make this number insane. Also the number of type of map, is really important and looks pretty good (at least for 1999). So many strategy can be used on this lovely games

Plus did i mention the iconic editor mode, and the limitless of option it gave to the player and the cheatcode? Did i really need to ?

It suck that the campaign is meh and the music simply non existant

Ok this games is of course inferior compared the complete saga, ok, it only adapt the prequel, ok if you dont care about completion, this game is painfully short and easy. Ok its just a simple beats and up and platformer kids games. But its my first video games ever...and objectively a great really : the number of character is insane, as the number of different gameplay and other content. The levels are great and the boss fight...are a jock, but a really fun one...oh yeah i just remember: This games is oddly funny, like i cracked a smile in almost everylevel, and come on, you know its great its fucking lego star Wars...DAMN IT

Avoid the gba version tho...i really mean that

talk about a impressive games! the graphism are absolutely superb for the time and also a really good soundtrack. also this game's other strenght is the team mechanic, where the health bar of your teamate didnt recharge between level, and if they died, they die forever: a very clever idea who adds pression but satisfaction into the game; the main problem here tho are the controls: its really clanky sometimes and the gameplay is just a railshooter...and im not a big fan of this type of game, but if i manage to like this game anyways, thats mean thats a great one, because i usually dont like this type of game