This games is really repetetive, and underwelming not gonna lie, plus, year later, ant his story is still not complete, a far cry, compared to the original game, even tho this games can be addictive at Time

Plus, they are not enough people by lobby, i always felt like i was alone and was playing a dlc singleplayer rather than a multiplayer

Why this games have such terrible server? Why it have to kind of ruin a games fools of content, great track, great controls and music and fanservice? Why such a satisfaying games, who litteraly destroy the purpose of playing ctr or cnk other than for the nostalgia is ruin by such a little problem? This games is litteraly a desert now, and its only two year old, and that, kind of sad for a game this good

Great content, with great character and stage, and a magnificient GamePlay...its so good that it still played to this day...i havent a personal love for this games, but its objectively the best smash bros ever made...and then smash ultimate happen lol

I dont like this games, sorry

The physics and control are weird, the power up, honestly pretty crappy, and the boss are a jock (except tatoonga, its just easy here) the games is really ugly now, unlike 6 golden coins, and is saved by the theme of this games: Real world theme like with the egyptian one for example. I guess the fact that Mario cheat on peach is kind of funny, and the shooter section show us how the franchise was supposed to be...but its honestly not a very good games

This game is still beautiful to this day and has still great control...but the problem is thats this is by far the most forgettable games that i own on Xbox one: yes, this a great racing games, with plenty of content and love put into it, but it just doesnt have a lot of personality, like, idk, need for speedy have. Here this is just a really good racing game in australia, and his in my opinion, the least interesting exclusive franchise on the xbox

Its funny that the first new super mario bros still feels as the most original games in the séries: it introduce the forest and rocky Land(ok we are sick of it now, but it was a cool addition at the time) power up...who are more gimmick that useful not gonna lie ( i dont want to say trash) New level design Idea like flipping Gravity, riding a wiggler, or swiging at rope. The moveset of mario was also updated with some move of the 3d games and the control are still great. I dont think that the music and graphism was really good, it was fine for the ds and thats it, but overall, a great games

Well, that was a game... hmmmmm, lets say interesting

I mean its not bad i mean the level design is only bad overall in the 3 first world, the multiplayer is chaos... because its a mess, but its a fun mess, thé power up are fine and a improvment over nsmbds. The music and graphism are...fine. the boss are pretty crappy here, except for the Bowser. the bubble mechanic is broken in everyway possible but the games introduce the spin, even tho it kind of exist in super mario World

Yeah in my opinion this games is the most forgettable from all the mainline mario games

Not bad but not impressive (still very fun, tho)

Brawlhalla is the best smashbros knockoff ever: because its not, really: the system of weapon and different gimmick make it different enough and the roaster is still huge (even tho less good that smash Bros) plus the online isnt complete shit, doesnt it, ultimate ? But ok, honestly, this game had less content, less stage, whi arent really good, a laughable amount of item, and almost all the skin cost money, so thats suck, and yes the mechanic, even tho they are still good, are less exciting and precise that ssbu

Why everyone hate this games? I get it, its not original, but its defenetly more than wii and WiiU: the coin gimmick is neat and oddly addicting, it introduce two original World: flower and mushroom (more like color block world but ok) and the level design is really great here: i get it, the moveset of mario even regressed because of the lack of spin, the boss are terrible (stop spamming thé koopaling and reznor damn it) and the music is litteraly the same as wii, and its painfully easy, but come on this games is cute, stop being mean :(

Its in my opinion like nsmbw : forgettable...but in 3d now: yes the level design is good (the zelda level is a bop) the moveset of mario is good and he controls great, yes the music is catchy as Fuck...but damn its the only mario 3d games who doesnt have a proper identity...what is his identity ? The racoon the games love to spam

This games can be sum up by his final boss: great, but forgettable

Its fornite

Its ugly
Its unfair
Not polish and glitchies
With everything being p2w
A map who never change
Update who add nothing
And with broken mechanic and weapon

I still like it tho, its weirdly addictive and fun sometime

But yeah a lot of bullshit can be seen here


ok, i can see why this games is beloved, the first 3d Mario kart games and the first good mario kart games, the level design is a step up compared to super mario kart (except for rainbow road and one or two other track: WHAT HAPPENS HERE?) Ok, the battle mode is the second best of the franchise, and its nostalgic for a lot of people...but come on, the games was ugly even back then, the control arent very good and the item balance his broken (idk if its a good or bad thing), the cpu are still cheater and everything is unlock from the get go...WHY?

In the end...a great introduction for the franchise, but nothing more

This games is nuts : great track with great music, introduce bike, tricks, 12 player and funky Kong, has the best roaster of the franchise, controls great and his a lot of fun in multiplayer...but yeah thats because the item balance is bullshit...but thats what make it special (plus mk64 was more bullshit About that THERE) the games is...kind of ugly too noy gonna lie, unlocking everything is a fever nightmare and the battle mode is trash, no doubt about that, but there is a reason why unofficial server was create especially for this games

I havent played a lot of mario kart...but its my second favorite...holy guacamole. Lets kill the elephant in the room: the content is absurdly high but hidden behind a p2w wall that is frustating as fuck. The graphism and control are also great for a mario kart on mobile... but its litteraly mario kart on mobile and nothing more

Note: its now m'y 4th favorite out of 5 lol

Wow, this game is shockingly great! Even the rabbid are kind of funny here! Because yes, all the different situation and gags are funny on their own way. Also the games is a great collectathon, with plenty of gameplay overvariety like throwing rabbids with wii remote, riding a reactor plane or racing with cows. This game is just fun...but you can also stuck a rabbids in the wii remote AND MAKE HIM SUFFER ... Or personalise him...i prefer make them suffer...the graphism are fine too and has a nice style...SUFFER RABBIDS