This games is soooo great : i mean, just the art style deserve 4 star...AND THE MUSIC, MY GOOOOOOD. This games also control like a dream: rayman is tight as fuck...but also globox, and all the other wacky character you could play in multiplayer...MY GOD THE MULTIPLAYER. The level design is also soooooo creative man and the best example of that would be for me the excellent boss fight: probably the best boss fight Ubisoft ever pulled of...damn, i cannot wait to finish legend...but all i can say right now is that legend would probably bé better than origin... because the ability you unlock are a meme (seriously, punching?), I know its because of rayman the first but still, and sometimes, the level design can be a little flat, but hey, its still our glorious rayman origin

Ok...this pretty meh, not gonna lie, i mean the minigame are great but all the board are terrible and have all stupid gimmick : why you just dont stay on the formula of mario party 1-8? This work so great in the past on handled (mario party ds is the best example). I guess the boss fight and tower rush are ok...the game looks fine and the music is kind of bad

I still like this game tho, because the minigame are great, but overall a pretty meh game

talk about a impressive games! the graphism are absolutely superb for the time and also a really good soundtrack. also this game's other strenght is the team mechanic, where the health bar of your teamate didnt recharge between level, and if they died, they die forever: a very clever idea who adds pression but satisfaction into the game; the main problem here tho are the controls: its really clanky sometimes and the gameplay is just a railshooter...and im not a big fan of this type of game, but if i manage to like this game anyways, thats mean thats a great one, because i usually dont like this type of game

i get it now, why nintendo cancels it: they were afraid of this game: this really short and clanky games afraid nintendo, because this is one of the most original games of the entire snes lineup: the team mechanic change and instead, you choose between 2 of the 6 member of you team to play as, and if your first member die, you play the second one, plus, all of the member have unic stats, who make this mechanic even more orginal and exciting. you can also turn into a sort of vehicule now in all the terrestrial level, which is impressive as hell for the snes, even tho i find it not as usefull thats the spaceship (i only use it for the new switch mechanic, but i find this one kind of meh) my favorite part of this games is by far corneria, who is attack in real time, even if you are playing a other stage, and you have to stop all the boss, missile or fighter who attack the planet, or else, game over. in the end, this game is really impressive, has great (and sometime not so great) mechanic, and is overall very entertaining: so much shit happen at the exact time

my problem with the first one are still valid tho

in all honestly, i found some of the control clanky as hell (i hate u wall jump) and some boss are or a jock, or stupidly hard if you dont know how to beat it...and the fact that you cant go back into the main area in the end is kind of stupid, even tho it make sense in the story

that being said tho....i adore this game...the exploration, the level design, all the super fun ability and mechanic that you can play with, make this metroidvania....a super metroidvania....kill me pls...

plus the graphism, the music and overall feels of this place are stunning even to this day

this game, despite his flaws, is, in my humble opinion, the best game of the snes

I Guess crash bandicoot plagiarise the yeah

This game is fun and i dont really get it why everyone seems to hate it... nevermind...the game is filled with microtransaction and the new gimmick and plant arent that great...but not gonna lie i like this game: its basically PvZ 1.5, but with microtransaction and bullshit difficulty

Not a lot to say honestly


no honestly, this game is pretty good and has a lot of difference with age of empire: they are only 3 faction but are really different, unlike age of empire, has actually a "original" story but not really exciting cheatcode, unlike age of empire, better graphism and music, but less gamemode and creative mode, unlike age of empire. But both has a good atmosphere for the time

Yeah, the games are really different and starcraft can be blast, even tho you dont like age of empire

I like both tho

Thx fuck, the ice climber controls well in smash, because good god, the game as unberable control, with horrible jump and slow movement, the game looks and sound kind of meh too and jesus its really repetetive

Today, the only reason this game exist is because we have popo and nana in smash, but THATS IT

Is it actually something you can review here?
Ok...well, the game is as good as the least he has a better level design that sonic one


Its Tamagotchi on the gameboy : the good concept of Tamagotchi, but with the same poor execution, but with more content that the original

So the game is fine, if you like to pet a pet

Im actually gonna to review the game, unlike with takechi challenge, normally and seriously, because this game isnt only a jock: its a actual satyre about the cliché of the fandom of Sonic:the oc, the fanfictions and fangame, all the furries and weird fetish about Sonic and his universe are present it this, lets say, compilation ? You can "create" your own original hedgehog, play a crappy "mmo", create your own movie while Sonic peg rouge, and be suck into Sonic eyes because you want his booty in vr. This game is honestly so stupid, a great satyre, i love it, and even tho it doesnt deserve that much, (its just a big old middle finger to the sonic community) its just so stupid...i cant rate ir lower than this

Even tho that, as a game, its pretty terrible

Well, its less good that age of empire...
Less pretty
Less cheatcode
Less gamemode
Less content and variety of troups
A creative mods...kind of weird
And the story mod is as good as age of empire...its ok

But its still a solid game with a different pacing and with his own tweak like the multiples character that you can fight, who all have their way to attack, defend and react

But if you cant stand age of empire, avoid this game

The definition of a mixed bag : the campaign had a great level design, gimmick, variety on his gameplay, but had a pathetic story with crappy character (except the dog of course).
The multiplayer had a sheer amount of weapon unic and distinguish to the other, a interesting system of class, mini mission, gimmick on the map and the best infected mods of the franchise, but as horrible level design, the clay are a problem on their own, you die whey to quickly, and has oddly uneffective special
Zombies mod is unic here, but doesnt really have replay value
The game sound and looks as good as bo2...who was in the old gen only at the time

I still dont know to this day if this game is good or not...its definitly not the worst cod, but its sure is not the best

Thats the only thing im sure about this game

The game is pretty, control...fine, sound...fine, as a good level design


by playing 30 per day, i couldnt even play a single true stage: i was forced to grind into the unberable farming stage

The multiplayer suck ass, and half of the boss are : im dingodile but blue, so despite how great the boss are design, the game is super repetetive

I get it why crash is on the fun: he escape the cops and angry fan for his scam

This is the last time il completely erect while thinking about you, cash

What can i say : it has all the quality of the original game: (if you want more info, check out my celeste review)