in all honestly, i found some of the control clanky as hell (i hate u wall jump) and some boss are or a jock, or stupidly hard if you dont know how to beat it...and the fact that you cant go back into the main area in the end is kind of stupid, even tho it make sense in the story

that being said tho....i adore this game...the exploration, the level design, all the super fun ability and mechanic that you can play with, make this metroidvania....a super metroidvania....kill me pls...

plus the graphism, the music and overall feels of this place are stunning even to this day

this game, despite his flaws, is, in my humble opinion, the best game of the snes

i get it now, why nintendo cancels it: they were afraid of this game: this really short and clanky games afraid nintendo, because this is one of the most original games of the entire snes lineup: the team mechanic change and instead, you choose between 2 of the 6 member of you team to play as, and if your first member die, you play the second one, plus, all of the member have unic stats, who make this mechanic even more orginal and exciting. you can also turn into a sort of vehicule now in all the terrestrial level, which is impressive as hell for the snes, even tho i find it not as usefull thats the spaceship (i only use it for the new switch mechanic, but i find this one kind of meh) my favorite part of this games is by far corneria, who is attack in real time, even if you are playing a other stage, and you have to stop all the boss, missile or fighter who attack the planet, or else, game over. in the end, this game is really impressive, has great (and sometime not so great) mechanic, and is overall very entertaining: so much shit happen at the exact time

my problem with the first one are still valid tho

talk about a impressive games! the graphism are absolutely superb for the time and also a really good soundtrack. also this game's other strenght is the team mechanic, where the health bar of your teamate didnt recharge between level, and if they died, they die forever: a very clever idea who adds pression but satisfaction into the game; the main problem here tho are the controls: its really clanky sometimes and the gameplay is just a railshooter...and im not a big fan of this type of game, but if i manage to like this game anyways, thats mean thats a great one, because i usually dont like this type of game

Ok...this pretty meh, not gonna lie, i mean the minigame are great but all the board are terrible and have all stupid gimmick : why you just dont stay on the formula of mario party 1-8? This work so great in the past on handled (mario party ds is the best example). I guess the boss fight and tower rush are ok...the game looks fine and the music is kind of bad

I still like this game tho, because the minigame are great, but overall a pretty meh game

This games is soooo great : i mean, just the art style deserve 4 star...AND THE MUSIC, MY GOOOOOOD. This games also control like a dream: rayman is tight as fuck...but also globox, and all the other wacky character you could play in multiplayer...MY GOD THE MULTIPLAYER. The level design is also soooooo creative man and the best example of that would be for me the excellent boss fight: probably the best boss fight Ubisoft ever pulled of...damn, i cannot wait to finish legend...but all i can say right now is that legend would probably bé better than origin... because the ability you unlock are a meme (seriously, punching?), I know its because of rayman the first but still, and sometimes, the level design can be a little flat, but hey, its still our glorious rayman origin

I honestly never find this game really entertaining...its fine, has good music and visual...but the story is kind of there and i dont like the gameplay at all, this is, to me, way to simple and repetetive and the boss dont add anything special...sorry pokemon mystery dungeon fan, but i dont want to became a pokemon too

This game has matt.

Seriously, it was a good tech demo, starring tennis, baseball, golf, bowling, and punch out on Wii, but better

Nothing to add, its iconic as fuck

Im so sorry...but i cant stand the control, idk why i hate so much the motion control here, but for me, it never does what i wanted. Plus this games is more like a remake of punch out on the nes than a original games... because i think, with the exception of dk and mac, not a single fighter are original in the franchise. Finally even tho i love the music and the visual they were coming from...i just hate how the models looks...they looks like plastics...a shame really

Why is this game so good? For the sims serie, this game is a masterpiece: its when the series became 3d, when the sims started to age, when the city was bigger, the house more creative and when the world was more connected. its when you could gave a proper personality to your dumbass sims and kills him with more style ;). And no, i will not mention all the expansion, or else, we will be here all day...just this game is one of the most iconic of the 2000

This games is one of the best of its kind: its so easy to pick it up, but really hard to master at one hundred pourcent: make team, manage your inventory, build a not so high tech city or a gigantic army to ruin the day of everyone : the number of different soldier, especially when you combine this game with conquest, make this number insane. Also the number of type of map, is really important and looks pretty good (at least for 1999). So many strategy can be used on this lovely games

Plus did i mention the iconic editor mode, and the limitless of option it gave to the player and the cheatcode? Did i really need to ?

It suck that the campaign is meh and the music simply non existant

Damn this game hasnt hold up...i mean it introduce the great concept of pokemon, and has a pretty solid map, but the game is too easy, feels of annoying npc who want to break your met with a clairaffy level 5, and its so redondant. Also Can we agree and shoot in the ground the stupid cut a tree attack who make us lost at least one slot on our active pokemon

Also...A wIlD UsElEsS cReAtUrE ApPeArEd

Remember when CoD wasnt a Bad franchise ? Because this games is the litteral definition of a good cod: topnotch multiplayer, with killer Map, gamemodes and weapon, a iconic zombie mode, the menu itself, who contain, with the famous computer, a ridiculous amount of easter egg and unlockable. this game introduce MOTHER FUCKER NUKETOWN, and has a actual good campaign, with great character, mission and music. The only problem i have with this game is that they are not a lot of variety in the campaign and the graphism, who arent Bad, but are so grey, that i actually think the games is depressed. Also why, they are only computer player for only two gamemode in local? Thats kind of stupid

This games is honestly pretty impressive, especially for the GameBoy, with his large and detailled sprite, the sheer amount of equipment you can unlock, a save feature THX FUCK, and just the fact that its a metroid games on GameBoy...the problem his that the level design is sometimes a big piece of shit, and its way to easy to be locked in the games because you dont have enough missile to kill the Metroid. but overall, a good game, i mean thats a metroid games we talk about.

The story with the baby is cute tho....BUT OTHER M DESTROYED IT...THE BABY!!!!

This games is a nice, oddly challenging at some place, gorgeous little puzzle game with the super charismatic Toad...the games can feels repetitive at times and the blowing platformer on 3ds are a pain to use, and the boss arent very good, but its just a simple but fun adventure

This games is so great : WHY NO ONE TELLED ME: its pretty, has a very fast paced gameplay, a good amount of varied powerups, and a good challenge overall. The concept of a endless pacman games make so much sensé: WHY NO ONE EVER TRIED BEFORE?