Easily the best Star Wars game ever and quite possibly the best multiplayer shooter of the PS2 era. The campaign is also enthralling. There's nothing like getting to play as a hero. So many hours spent in Tattooine.

Snooze fest. Super boring protagonist, setting, and gameplay. The Mayan island is the only interesting part of the story and it doesn't last. The costume changing mechanic was interesting in theory but just annoying in practice.

Whoever was responsible for this game had no idea what Hitman was supposed to be. Hilariously nonsense story, frustratingly nonsense game mechanics. What's the point in disguises if people just see through them after staring at you for 5 seconds? There's some enjoyable segments in between the bullshit.

Probably my favorite Dreamcast game ever, I'm surprised it didn't take off into a whole series of its own. Super weird, super unique and memorable. Cute little animals blowing each other away. There's something creepy about mafia dogs.

Not much to say about this. It finishes a story that didn't have very high stakes anyways, or at least didn't feel that way. Silver Sable is as boring as Hammerhead.

The most painful dialogue of any game I've ever played and it's not even close. I hate everyone in this. Every character needs to be shot in the face.

Black Flag but without everything that made it cool. Adewale is the most boring badass ever.