A terrible start to a hit or miss series. One of the most repetitive games I've ever played in my life, the story may as well not even be there. People had low ass standards at the start of the PS360 generation.

Just watch a video of it online, no reason to waste your time downloading this.

A new low point for Ubisoft. It's a bit fun starting off, although the jank is apparent from the very beginning. It doesn't take long for everything to wear thin though, as you'll be doing the same exact things over and over and over, whether it be for the main missions or side content. The story is generic nonsense, with plenty of unlikable characters thrown at you nonstop. Giancarlo Esposito surprisingly didn't phone it in - his performance is great, the highlight of the game even, but you even get sick of him by the end when the story completely turns to shit.

Ahead of its time, a mobile game before mobile games were a thing (in a good way). Very charismatic floating head.

Insanely weird and also super captivating. Can't tell if it's a dream or a nightmare. I remember the story being really short.

As exciting as a bass fishing game can get I suppose. Which isn't much.

Really wonky controls but also really damn fun. Feels like a dream now.

Super boring and repetitive, but I suppose you couldn't expect much more for its time. Big PS2 Rampage guy but can't recommend this.

I don't remember how I ended up with this game, but I do remember that I tried it once and then never again. And I had very low standards.

Simultaneously super ahead of its time while also being the weirdest shit ever. The animal maniac in me loved it. Fishing and photographing different animals was the highlight. Talking and trading with the NPCs was a nightmare.

I think I completed it? Radiohead's my favorite artist, so I went in with high hopes and ended up somewhat disappointed. There were some beautiful moments, both visually and audibly, but a lot of nothing in between as well as parts I was wishing I could skip ahead through. Parts of it would've worked amazingly as a horror game.

While it lacks replayability if you aren't a hardcore player, everything else about SSFIV is perfect. The roster of classic and new characters especially. Better than V in every way other than graphically, and even then not by much. Arenas are memorable, characters are bursting with charisma and style, and the paint splatter art style fits perfectly. Still wouldn't recommend to non-fighting game fans.

Boy was the young Yu-Gi-Oh fan I was at the time totally disappointed to get this shit.

Easily the worst game under the Resident Evil umbrella. Fails in every way possible.

The super long cutscenes and turn based combat turned me off as a child real quick.