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That Mecha Ridley boss fight didn't need to be that fucking hard. Overall, fantastic game and I recommend it to anyone getting into the Metroid series.

"It's everything you love in a game, and your mom is gonna hate it"

Yes EA, indeed my mom hates it, and indeed has everything I love in a game (Last chapter was tideous but I can forgive it for all the bias I have)

I'm going to be honest, while I do think the game is the best in handling the combat, aesthetic and level designs, the length of the game wasn't enough. I wish Prince and Farah's character developments were not halted and that the game having more unique bosses, especially when this game is the best in the trilogy to have bosses. I kinda don't like how this series has a lot of ideas scrapped due to limitations, with the fact Kindred Blades was the most ambitious PoP game. It ended alright. Series is worth respecting.

Holy shit dude. It’s waaaaaay better than I remember. The ending had me in fucking tears. I want Sora and Riku to be together forever. I relate to both of these characters. I just……man I really really love this game.

This is just the plot of Puss in Boots 2

Dunkey should never be trusted after his opinion on this game

I thought I lost interest into checking out Unreal Tournament and while I did feel disappointed, later on I played it more and found it to be a very fun shooter. A lot of content in this game and it really sucks the game no longer has a very big community. Still a fun time. Go play it if you want a good ass arena fps


Every character in this game is fucking cheap as hell to the point the game on Very Hard mode fucks you up real good. Does not take away from the game being perfect

Every MK game before had balls in everything. MK11 only focuses on fatalities as the biggest deal to offer instead of the blood and gore being a cherry on top. Same game that fucked Scorpion’s spear move and that’s unforgivable

This is the perfect way to bring back a franchise. While I do wish there was variety with the environment in the later missions, and I do wish V had more with how he plays, this is the best DMC game to date. I fucking love it.

This game is near perfection. It has balance of both platforming and fun combat. A lot of weapons were amazing to use and the worlds are very unique and great. My only problems is that the thug 4 less 2nd boss (the one with the giant mecha) was lame as hell and the story got a bit shaky in the end. I still love this game even on a NewGame+ run. Highly recommend it to people who love action platformers.