Synthwave is my favorite gender

The slaves..I mean summons did all the work

We're reclaiming our Jedi ways with this one


I mean it's alright. Like, overrated asf in my opinion


* Not 100% yet. Will come back when I finish the stories of the rest of the games

Olivier is my spirit animal

I need the mode that changes the strawberries to BEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS

Couldn't stop singing in hell. Metal.

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The best package involving Richter's games. It's a 2.5D remake of the original Rondo of Blood that also comes with that original game and a remaster of Symphony of the Night tho without the fun dialogue

Having this being my first Ratchet and Clank to be finished completely, I'm kind of mixed. On one hand, I like this style of games but on the other, I don't like it here. I like some of the set pieces and what they did with the controller with some of the weapons but overall it was a mixed bag for me. Tho I can't say it's mid, I can definitely tell that it's a good game that I didn't enjoy.