I adored the original anime of Kill la Kill, but this game was a bit of a letdown for me. to start, the positives were that they brought back the entire voice cast from the anime, which I was glad about. the artstyle was replicated quite well in game, despite the slightly janky animation at times. the story had a relatively interesting premise, and was broken up midway by fights. however, my praises end there unfortunately, as the story mode fights were very repetitive, no doubt in part due to the game's small roster. the character alternates were not great either. I found it enjoyable for a while, however it was unfortunately a bit of a letdown.

while I was excited to play through Rebirth after giving the pre-release demo a try, that excitement was slowly but surely crushed beneath the incredibly, too long for their own good chapters, which were needlessly padded out by throwaway cutscenes, story "beats" and whatnot. while I did enjoy myself for a good portion of the first half of the game, right past the 15 hour mark I was beginning to feel fatigued. the last chapter and half of the second to last chapter did a decent job of bringing me back right before the ending baffled me right back into being angry I spent so long on this game. I'm giving it a high enough rating just down to the fact when the game was good, it was GOOD.

Stardew Valley is such a cozy and easygoing game. I won't compare it to Animal Crossing since I'm sure nearly everyone else has done so. I think that the game has an incredibly addictive and smooth gameplay loop, making each in-game day you play feel worth the effort and have impact on your farm.

I enjoyed SF6 far far more than SF5. the controls are a lot more fluid and the artstyle pops far more than it's predecessor. the arcade mode is fun and replayable, the characters are enjoyable and playing online is smooth.

Persona 3 Reload takes the original game and amps everything up in the best way possible. The graphics, the UI, the soundtrack and voice acting, all are absolutely stellar and added to the already fantastic experience that is Persona 3. The new additions to Reload fit themselves in seamlessly, just enough to be noticeable and enjoyable if you've played the original. This might be up there as one of the best Persona games, perhaps even games in general, for me. I loved this game and cannot recommend it enough.

Astro's Playroom was quite an interesting tech demo, one that showcased virtually everything the controller had to offer while also being an enjoyable and nostalgic experience. it felt like an actual game more than a tech demo.

Undertale Yellow is an absolutely astonishing fan game. it captures the familiar feeling of the original game, while having it's own flair to it. the characters were all charming, and each turn the story took was amazingly executed. this game had my jaw drop time after time, and I couldn't recommend it enough.

Mortal Kombat 1 is a very enjoyable experience in my opinion. the kombat is solid and enjoyable, especially when you successfully pull off a combo. the Kameo mechanic is interesting, although many are locked behind a paywall. I enjoyed the story mode, as I thought it was interesting to see how different things were in the new timeline.

Cosmic Shake was a fantastic game. while it wasn't as long as it's predecessor, BfBB, I still greatly enjoyed my time with this game. the levels were all unique and memorable, while the bossfights were fun for the most part. the new gameplay mechanics were fun, and the humour in this game nearly always hit. a must play for SpongeBob fans.

Spider-Man 2 is an absolutely amazing game. the story is beautifully written, with a great change of plot about midway through. I greatly enjoyed the dynamics of the characters, especially that of the two Spider-Men. however, I did find the combat to become a bit repetitive, especially during bossfights that had multiple phases that were essentially just the same mechanics with one or two new ones sprinkled in.

Resident Evil 4 is a fantastic game, especially for its time. while the remake obviously outshines it in nearly every capacity, the original RE4 stands the test of time very well. I enjoyed my time with this game.

Persona 5 Tactica is an amazing spinoff. It is immediately charming as expected from a Persona game, as it's cute artstyle and well crafted gameplay almost immediately made me fall in love with it. Erina and Toshiro are both absolutely amazing characters who I grew attached to by the end.

Mario Wonder was a fantastic game from start to end. the game was filled to the brim with a beautiful artstyle and charming sense of humour, with enjoyable level design to boot. the talking flowers are absolutely hilarious I would die for them.

Soul Hackers 2 is a very interesting game with great combat and compelling characters. I greatly enjoyed the aesthetic of the game, although some areas were very scarcely designed. The ending was beautiful and heartwarming, too and was well worth the effort.

Life is Strange was such an immersive experience from start to finish, I loved how scenes would play out and you could piece together the solution by rewinding time. Most of the characters were amazing (for better or for worse), and the ending was devastating for both choices.