Horizon Zero Dawn was a promising new beginning for a new series in my opinion and I was excited for a possible sequel. The sequel, however, is slightly more complicated.
First of all, the story is really... disappointing; the writing is inconsistent, the plot lacks development, the antagonistic group barely appears in the game and their motivations make no sense at all. It does expand on the lore of the first game at least, but it relies on the first game's story way too much without going further, and even the last mission is very underwhelming.
Same goes for the characters; they're already quite disappointing in the first game, and they didn't necessarily better in this game. The villains are comically evil, the supporting cast isn't engaging at all and even Aloy is uninteresting because all her development happened in the first game.
The gameplay, however, is really good; it's similar to Zero Dawn's gameplay, but it has QoL improvements, more weapons and better quest design.
Unfortunately though, the side-content is still repetitive, and the puzzles are boring.
Last but not least, the visuals are some of the best I've seen in an Open World game, despite the surprising amount of pop-ins.

+ Interesting lore
+ Great gameplay
+ Nice amount of content
+ Breathtaking graphics

- Very weak narrative
- Uninteresting characters
- Repetitive side-content
- Tedious puzzles
- Technical and visual issues

Narrative: 3/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 6/10
Characters: 4/10
Music: ?/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 5/10
- Mediocre -
In the end, Horizon Forbidden West feels completely unnecessary, and it lacks the intrigue and mystery of the first game.
With Horizon Zero Dawn leaving a lot of room for improvement, Horizon Forbidden West had the potential to be a better game in almost every way, but unfortunately, it fell short and it's not nearly as good as it could've been.

Do I recommend it?:
Only if you're a fan of the first game; it's more of the same but bigger, although not necessarily better.

Finally got to play Horizon Zero Dawn, a game I wanted to play for some time now.
I'm gonna be honest, the story starts off very generic in my opinion, but it gets a bit better in the process. Overall, it's a serviceable story on its own and a good introduction to the game's world, but still generic for the most part.
The gameplay is really enjoyable, the combat system is fun, it has smooth and fast animations, resource management system, a fair amount of items and some different weapon types. However, I wish there were more types of weapons overall, but it's fine.
The visuals are incredible; definitely one of the best looking Open World games I've ever played, period.
The audio design is great too and the music is nice as well.
The world looks wonderful and the machines are absolutely spectacular, the highlight of the game.
Also, there's a decent amount of side-content in the game.
The game has some major issues though; the quest design and the side-content lack depth most of the time.
Also, the characters are all forgettable, except from maybe the protagonist.
The Frozen Wilds expansion was alright; a bit tedious at times but it's okay overall.

+ Interesting lore
+ Very good gameplay
+ Gorgeous world
+ Machines

- Uninspiring quest design
- Repetitive side-content
- Unmemorable characters

Narrative: 6/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 6/10
Characters: 4/10
Music: 6/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 6/10
- Decent -
Despite lacking depth and being painfully generic at times, Horizon Zero Dawn is a promising beginning for a new series and I'm looking forward to playing the possible sequel whenever it comes out.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes but particularly if you enjoy playing Open World games.

Resident Evil Village is my first Resident Evil game and probably my first horror game as well.
As my first Resident Evil game, Village was... a complicated experience.
First of all, I didn't expect anything interesting from the story, and I actually didn't really get anything interesting from it; the writing is completely nonsensical and amateurish, and the plot is padded out for no reason, which is surprising, considering that the game is short. The worst part of the story, however, is how it actually takes itself seriously, even though it's hilariously badly written.
The gameplay is good though, it feels slightly clunky but it's fun and it works well.
The characters are so-so; some characters are rather unlikable and uninteresting, while others are intriguing and cool.
The visuals and the audio design are amazing, and the atmosphere is wonderful.
Lastly, Resident Evil Village's gothic horror setting is undoubtedly the best part of the game; it's haunting and terrifying but also beautiful.
Unfortunately for Resident Evil Village though, the game has many flaws.
In spite of the short length, the puzzles are dull and they slow down the game's pacing significantly.
Also, the story feels rushed at times and the boss fights are pretty easy; in fact, the whole game is unexpectedly easy and not creepy. The game tries to blend survival horror and action but it ultimately falls short at both areas because the survival horror elements are almost absent and the action is uninspiring.

+ Fun gameplay
+ Memorable antagonists
+ Gorgeous visuals
+ Fantastic atmosphere
+ Superb setting

- Very weak narrative
- Inconsistent pacing and boring puzzles
- Disappointing bosses
- Survival horror elements are lacking
- Underwhelming action elements

Narrative: 2/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 5/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 6/10
- Decent -
Resident Evil Village is a hot mess; a mishmash of different half-baked ideas, resulting in a game that doesn't know what it wants to be, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes but maybe at low price.

Final Fantasy IV is one of the most important installment in the Final Fantasy series; it was the first Final Fantasy game that featured a fully realized story, fleshed out characters and it introduced the ATB system which was used for the next 5 mainline games in the row. Basically, Final Fantasy IV was a new beginning for the series.
However, being pioneering doesn't mean timeless.
The story in Final Fantasy IV is amazing... for the time it came out; I mean, it's still interesting, but the writing is very weak at times, there are so many fakeouts, tropes or straight up dumb plot twists, and the last few hours feel completely out of place. It's a somewhat captivating but deeply flawed story, unfortunately.
The characters are quite... forgettable? They get in and out of the party so fast that I couldn't get emotionally attached to them at all and their story arcs feel rushed. Surprisingly, I really liked the protagonist, and the story has some decent character moments in general.
The gameplay is quite similar to Final Fantasy VI's but the UI is just worse.
Also, despite the game's flaws, the music is quite good.
Unlike Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger though, the pixelated graphics in Final Fantasy IV look stale.
Lastly, most areas - particularly the dungeons - are dull and the towns look very similar to each other.

+ Engaging plot
+ Combat system still holds up to a certain degree
+ Nice music

- Underwhelming narrative and characters
- Unresponsive User Interface
- Outdated visuals
- Bland areas and boring dungeons

Narrative: 3/10
Gameplay: 4/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 4/10
Music: 7/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 4/10
- Weak -
Final Fantasy IV is a great example of a game that was groundbreaking when it came out but has since been surpassed in every way.
I appreciate Final Fantasy IV for everything it has done to the series, however, I can't help but see it as a "relic" from the past.

Do I recommend it?:
I'd recommend it only to people who want to get deeper into the series and experience the origins of what Final Fantasy has become since then.

Final Fantasy XIII is often cited as one of the most controversial games in the entire series.
As someone who got into the series only few years ago, I didn't have any expectations before playing Final Fantasy XIII and I tried to get into the game open-minded.
Now, a common complaint I heard from people before playing the game is that its level design is very linear. After playing through the game though, I can indeed confirm that the game is so goddamn linear, most of the game has you walking through narrow hallways and it almost feels like an interactive movie at times.
As for the story, there's a lack of proper introduction and explanation of important terms and plot points until halfway through, but it's too late at that point, and the second half suffers from absolutely terrible writing that doesn't make sense. Because of that, the story falls flat on its face and its characters aren't good enough to save it.
The gameplay though, is complicated; the first few hours were genuinely the most repetitive and mindless sections I've ever played through in a videogame, maybe ever. However, after the introduction of the paradigm shift, the gameplay got much better. With that being said though, the gameplay is not very good for the most part, not because it doesn't work well, but because it gets tedious outside of the boss fights, and the lenght of some chapters doesn't help.
Despite all of these flaws though, I got to say, Final Fantasy XIII is a great looking game even to this day, and its music is good too.

+ Serviceable cast
+ Interesting gameplay ideas
+ Beautiful visuals
+ Nice music

- Awfully linear structure
- Convoluted narrative
- Very bad story
- Slow pacing

Narrative: 2/10
Gameplay: 6/10
Content: 6/10
Characters: 5/10
Music: 7/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 4/10
- Weak -
Final Fantasy XIII is blinded by its obsession to deliver a more cinematic experience than its predecessors while simultaneously utterly failing to deliver an engaging and well-written story.
Just... why?

Do I recommend it?:
Probably only to those who want to get deeper into the series... at low price.

Before sharing my thoughts on Hogwarts Legacy, I want to make clear that I'm not a Harry Potter fan or anything like that, I only played the game because it looked very intriguing and I wanted to give it a try.
I got to say though, after finishing my playthrough of Hogwarts Legacy, the game was not what I expected at all.
While the story's premise sounds decent on paper, the execution is... really bad; the vast majority of the main quests are either fetch quests and filler, making the pacing pretty much non-existent, and the story itself is filled with laughable amount of conveniences. Also, having to level up by doing chores in order to unlock main missions is tedious.
Same goes for the characters; they're just very bland for the most part, and unfortunately, same goes for the gameplay as well; it's just not fun, the combat is very easy and completely mindless, the RPG elements are very shallow, and it doesn't help that the enemy and dungeon variety is lacking. At least some spells are kind of unique and useful in different ways.
However, the visuals are amazing for sure and the presentation is very good too! There are some technical issues at times, but the game looks beautiful nonetheless.
As for the side-content, Hogwarts Castle is definitely the highlight of the game despite feeling a bit repetitive; it looks impressive and it has many collectibles and puzzles to find, while the rest of the world feels empty and boring.

+ Cool premise
+ Interesting spells
+ Gorgeous visuals
+ Hogwarts Castle

- Horrible story and uninteresting characters
- Awful pacing
- Dull combat system and RPG elements
- Poor variety
- Technical issues
- Repetitive side-content

Narrative: 2/10
Gameplay: 4/10
Content: 6/10
Characters: 3/10
Music: ?/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 4/10
- Weak -
For Harry Potter fans, Hogwarts Legacy is probably a good game made from fairly passionate developers, however, for everyone else, Hogwarts Legacy is a painfully uninspiring Open World RPG that does the bare-minimum.

Do I recommend it?:
I would recommend it only to Harry Potter fans or casual gamers.

Before diving to the heart (pun intended) of my review, I think it's worth mentioning that Kingdom Hearts III is not a sequel to Kingdom Hearts II, but it's the conclusion of the entire series, including the spin-offs.
Fortunately for newcomers like me, Kingdom Hearts III does re-cap parts of the story from the previous Kingdom Hearts games. However, being the conclusion of the entire series, paired with some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a videogame, very frequent and long cutscenes, unresolved plot points, ending that raises more questions than answers, and nearly non-existent pacing, Kingdom Hearts III fails at delivering a properly structured story so hard, it's not even funny.
With that being said though, the gameplay is actually good; it's extremely easy, but it's fun. It's impressive how many different mechanics and abilities are there, even if all of them lack depth and get repetitive quickly.
The visuals are stunning and the music is great though.
Also, the Disney worlds represented in Kingdom Hearts III are arguably the highlight of the game... in terms of world design at least, because otherwise they're pointless filler and half of them are basically poor re-tellings of the movies they're based in.
Now, it's not necessarily a big deal but I don't understand why they didn't include any Final Fantasy characters in this game; it doesn't make sense, considering the previous games included Final Fantasy characters.

+ Enjoyable gameplay
+ Gorgeous visuals
+ Beautiful music
+ Disney world design

- Awful narrative
- Long cutscenes
- Terrible pacing
- Too easy

Narrative: 1/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 7/10
Characters: 3/10
Music: 8/10
Art Style: 10/10

Final Rating: 4/10
- Weak -
Kingdom Hearts III is a decent Action RPG for the most part but it also utterly fails at providing a coherent videogame experience in every way and it showcases everything I dislike in a JRPG.

Do I recommend it?:
Newcomers don't bother with it, otherwise read a summary of the series or play Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far before buying Kingdom Hearts III at low price.
Probably must-play for fans.

I had an urge to play another Action JRPG recently, so I decided to give Scarlet Nexus a try.
Despite hearing mostly decent things about the game, I didn't have high expectations for it, and after playing through it, I'm glad I did, for several reasons.
First of all, I'm gonna get 2 things out of the way; the gameplay is very good, it's not perfect, but it's deep enough to keep the player entertained for at least 1 playthrough.
Also, the art style is good as well.
With that being said, however, the most interesting thing about Scarlet Nexus is that everything else in this game just... kinda sucks.
The worst offender in my opinion is the whole "PowerPoint presentation/Manga panel" looking cutscenes; oh my god, they're SO goddamn boring! And if that wasn't enough, the story, the writing and the characters are just awful; nonsensical time travel garbage paired with literally every generic trope imaginable. It's like the game doesn't try to be interesting or unpredictable in the slightest.
It doesn't help that the game is very linear, so you go from cutscene to cutscene every few minutes, listening to its terrible characters and writing all the time.
While the game's world has interesting concept and ideas, the level design is pretty bad and most areas are rehashed multiple times through the story.
Also, the enemy and boss variety is seriously lacking.
Lastly, the last few missions and the final dungeon are so tedious, it's almost unbearable.

+ Enjoyable and cool gameplay
+ Nice visuals
+ Intriguing concept and world

- Very boring cutscene format
- Badly written & completely generic story and characters
- Extremely linear structure and level design
- Rehashed levels and very poor enemy variety
- Flawed pacing

Narrative: 2/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 5/10
Characters: 2/10
Music: ?/10
Art Style: 7/10

Final Rating: 4/10
- Weak -
Scarlet Nexus is the kind of game where you have to "turn off your brain" and enjoy the gameplay without paying attention to anything else around it... because everything else in this game just sucks.

Do I recommend it?:
Not really, but only at low price if you're interested in it.

I'm gonna be honest, I got my hands on this game last year, I played the first few hours and then I dropped it. I wanted to like the game but I couldn't get into it, so I decided to drop it.
However, I pushed through the game recently, and well...
The story follows a premise of taking down 5 Lords and it tackles interesting themes, but unfortunately, it feels consistently monotonous and underwhelming. Once you take down the 5 Lords though, it all goes downhill from there; it becomes a jumbled mess of nonsensical, ridiculous plot points, exposition dumps, plot holes and a rushed ending. It gets really bad!
The characters aren't as bad as the story, but some of them are annoying and they make questionable decisions at times for no reason.
The combat system is good at least, it's not deep enough but it's fun and it looks cool.
Also, the art style is very good and the music is serviceable.
With that being said, while the gameplay is fun, the experience is brought down by uninspired level design, poor enemy variety, damage spongey bosses that make the game hard to play through and absolutely terrible pacing; oh my god, the pacing in this game is painful at times! It's genuinely some of the worst pacing I've experienced in any videogame, ever. It always makes things more complicated and tedious than they should be, and it tries to extend the length of the game by throwing damage spongey enemies everywhere, unnecessary cutscenes with repeated dialogue every few minutes, and even entire filler dungeons!
After the first 10 hours of the game, I was already feeling exhausted, seriously.

+ Enjoyable combat system
+ Great visuals
+ Decent music

- Very bad story
- Dull level design
- Enemy variety
- Damage sponges
- Awful pacing

Narrative: 2/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 4/10
Music: 6/10
Art Style: 8/10

Final Rating: 4/10
- Weak -
I'm disappointed in Tales of Arise... I really am.
I got into the game expecting it to be an exciting, intense Action JRPG, and I got a generic, boring and forgettable JRPG that I was longing for it to end.

Do I recommend it?:
No, there are much better RPGs out there.

I was a big fan of Ratchet & Clank on the PS2, so I picked this game up because of nostalgia, but... it REALLY wasn't what I expected; I mean... the graphics are very good and the character models look nice.
Also, the combat feels varied thanks to the great weapon variety and unique weapons, like in the older games in the series.
Unfortunately, however... I've already ran out of positive things to say about this game.
Ratchet & Clank disappointed me in many many ways.
First of all, the pacing is absolutely awful; the main story gets somewhat engaging only in it's last hour, the rest of the game is completely forgettable and nothing really happens.
The character development and interactions are non-existent, the rest of the game is an experience that doesn't have any depth and there's barely any content apart from the main story.
The movie cutscenes are implemented in the worst ways possible, making the pacing even worse than it already is.
The humor is surprisingly horrible for the most part, which I didn't expect at all.
Also, the mission design, the puzzles and Clank's sections are all extremely monotonous, repetitive and boring, which negatively affect the gameplay loop of the game. As for the gameplay itself, you can finish the entire game just by holding down the attack button to kill the waves, and the aiming feels very stiff for some reason.

+ Beautiful visuals
+ Varied combat system
+ Impressive weapon variety

- Major pacing issues
- Completely unmemorable main questline
- Absent character development and interactions, and unfunny humor
- Lacks depth and content
- Movie cutscenes
- Dull gameplay loop

Narrative: 1/10
Gameplay: 4/10
Content: 2/10
Characters: ?/10
Music: ?/10
Graphics/Audio: 8/10

Final Rating: 3/10
- Bad -
Ratchet & Clank is a very underwhelming game in my opinion and it disappointed me immensely because I loved playing Ratchet & Clank on the PS2, so I expected this game to be at least half as good as the older games.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes... but only for children.

Final Fantasy VII is my favorite Final Fantasy game and the Remake was amazing, however, it was merely a prologue of a bigger narrative that took place in a linear world, and it couldn't show its true potential yet. With Final Fantasy VII Rebirth though, it finally did; featuring the middle act of Final Fantasy VII's story and an open world filled with content, this game is everything Final Fantasy VII fans dreamed of.
Now, the story and the characters remain very faithful to the original game for the most part, however, Rebirth expanded on them in every way possible, and they absolutely nailed them. Unfortunately, I don't really like some of the new story additions to be honest, but at least they don't get in the way of the main story; in fact, the main story is even better than in the original game so far.
As for the open world, it has repetitive structure for sure, however, it's filled with surprises, rewards and content, and the towns are the most detailed I've ever seen in a JRPG.
The gameplay has been improved upon in every way, from aerial combat to exploration, reworked movesets, mini-games, synergy skills, new limit breaks, better quest design, and more.
Also, the visuals are gorgeous despite some blurry textures, and the music is just unbelievable; every single corner of the game has a banger in it, and the rearranged tracks are absolutely wonderful.

+ Expanded story and characters
+ Open world filled with content
+ Excellent gameplay
+ Breathtaking graphics
+ Incredible music

- Inconsistent writing

Narrative: 8/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a JRPG masterpiece that honors Final Fantasy VII's legacy to the fullest and marks the new "Golden Age" for the Final Fantasy series, 20 years later.
With Rebirth, the Remake compilation is shaping up to be my new favorite installment in my favorite videogame series of all time.

Do I recommend it?:
Must-play for Final Fantasy VII fans.
Newcomers should at least play the Remake prior to playing Rebirth.

After playing Persona 5, I really wanted to play more Persona games. Persona 4 Golden released on steam last year, so I finally got the chance to play it.
The story in Persona 4 is really good, relatable and very engaging, even if the writing is not very consistent. Overall though, it's great, and the additional story in Golden is quite interesting as well, albeit not anything special.
The gameplay on the other hand, it's just okay; the combat system itself is fine but I'll explain later why the gameplay as a whole didn't age very well.
The main characters, however, are the best part of the game and their interactions are probably the best I've seen in a videogame.
The music took some time to grow on me but I ended up absolutely loving it!
The art style is nice, although the visual quality is a bit outdated.
Also, there are so many awesome school trips and events in the story, it's actually impressive! And it's worth mentioning that the dialogue is very funny at times... like, it had me laughing out loud! Persona 4 Golden is undoubtedly one of the funniest games I've ever played.
Now, Persona 4 has one issue that affects the gameplay though; the dull dungeon design. The dungeons in that game are literally copy/paste, empty corridors, which is something Golden could improve on but it didn't.
Another issue is the unnecessarily complicated saving system in the dungeons.

+ Great story
+ Incredible characters
+ Hilarious dialogue
+ Events & trips
+ Exceptional music

- Poor dungeon design
- Complicated dungeon saving system

Narrative: 8/10
Gameplay: 6/10
Content: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Art Style: ?/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
- Outstanding -
I gotta say, playing Persona 4 Golden after Persona 5/Royal made me realize how much Persona 5 improved upon its predecessor.
Much like Persona 5/Royal though, Persona 4 Golden is one hell of an experience! One that I hopefully won't forget anytime soon.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes! Go treat yourself with some Persona, either 5 or 4, it doesn't matter.

I downloaded Rocket League the day it went for free but I wasn't interested in playing it for some reason.
I decided to give it a try some days ago though, and I got hooked immediately!
Rocket League is football/soccer with cars... and that's pretty much it. It sounds very simple, but it's executed so perfectly and it's undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played.
Aside from being fun to play though, Rocket League is accessible to everyone. However, the player's skills and experience are very important in Rocket League because there aren't any stats in this game.
Also, there's a fair amount of different game modes, the customization is cool, the music is fine, and the visuals are pretty good but not anything special.
Surprisingly enough, I don't have anything negative to say about this game; it's flawless.

+ Excellent execution
+ Addictive and accessible
+ Nice amount of content
+ Car customization

- None

Content: 7/10
Music: 6/10
Graphics/Audio: 7/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Rocket League is all about pure fun, accessibility and skill... and it excels in every way; it's so goddamn fun to play, it genuinely makes me happy.

Do I recommend it?:
Hell yes! I'd recommend Rocket League even to people who don't play racing or sports games.

I'm not really into free to play/mobile games e.t.c, but when I heard that Genshin Impact is a role playing game inspired by Breath of the Wild, without pay to win microtransactions, it caught my attention.
I can't share my thoughts for the story because it's not complete yet but it's quite intriguing so far.
The gameplay is pretty good. It looks cool, it feels satisfying and it plays well.
The world is arguably the best part of the game, it's fun and rewarding to explore this massive world filled with content and unique areas.
It's quite impressive how this game has more content than most full-priced titles out there, even if the quest design is quite repetitious.
Also, the art style is quite beautiful.
Unfortunately though, there are some things that bothered me a bit.
There's not enough enemy variety, grinding to level up the Adventure Rank in order to progress is tedious after a while, and I hope the developers will add mounts in the game someday because the traversal feels slow at times.
The microtransactions were an after-thought for the most part, but more characters should've been for free.

+ Good gameplay
+ Very fun exploration
+ Huge world filled with content
+ Great art style
+ Co-op

- Not enough enemy variety and repetitive quest design
- Grinding and monetization
- Slow traversal

Narrative: ?/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 8/10
Music: ?/10
Art Style: 8/10

Final Rating: 7.5/10
- Very Good -
Genshin Impact is one of the better free-to-play games I've played, however, I hope the developers won't get lazy in the future because this game has a ton of potential.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, it's fun and for free.

I've never been fan of this genre; I've only played Fortnite for half an hour and I got bored. I've heard very positive things about Apex Legends though and I decided to give it a try.
In my opinion, Apex Legends isn't just a significantly better game than Fortnite, but it's genuinely a really good game overall. I am quite decent at this game and it is a lot of fun!
The gameplay is amazing despite not being anything special, and it feels very smooth.
The characters are different from each other, some characters can act as support and tank while others are offensive.
The graphics are good and the audio is great.
Also, game focuses a lot on teamplay with some unique mechanics and items for communication; you can even revive your teammates when they die. Teamplay can get a bit frustrating at times, but it's fantastic when it works.
What about the flaws? Well, first of all, there isn't enough content, and secondly, the monetization is a little bit messed up; there are few microtransactions but quite too expensive.

+ Fun and smooth gameplay
+ Diverse characters
+ Focuses a lot on teamplay
+ Nice visuals

- Not enough content
- Monetization

Gameplay: 9/10
Content: ?/10
Graphics/Audio: 8/10

Final Rating: 8/10
- Great -
Apex Legends is a great game, even though it's lacking content.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, it's worth a try and it's for free.