Final Fantasy VII Remake was my first game in the series and the Intergrade version is the definitive way to experience the game.
So, despite the slightly inconsistent writing, the story is good so far, but unfortunately, it's only the beginning and there's still a lot to come in the future.
The characters are some of the most engaging and likable characters I've seen in a while, and even some minor side-characters surprised me a lot.
The combat system is excellent! It's like a combination of Hack 'n' Slash & Turn Based at the same time, there are 4 completely different party members to control, tons of different skills, items and builds to use, it's deep, organic, it feels awesome and it looks phenomenal.
The RPG elements are executed well and the Materia system is just wonderful.
The bosses are some of the best I've ever encountered in a videogame.
The music is absolutely fantastic for sure and it fits the visuals perfectly, and the visuals are breathtaking; the lighting, the animations, the textures and the setting are some of the best I've seen in a while.
Also, the set-pieces and the visual representation are absolutely top-tier.
Lastly, the Intergrade version includes the INTERmission episode, a very solid additional story content about an upcoming character for the Remake series.
I do have few complaints with the game though; the story has noticeable padding with some chapters feeling longer than they should've been, and the side-quests are uninteresting for the most part.

+ Interesting story
+ Awesome characters
+ Flawless gameplay
+ Incredible music
+ Gorgeous visuals
+ Very fun DLC

- Pacing issues
- Weak side-quests

Narrative: 7/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: 9/10
Characters: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Final Fantasy VII Remake is a masterfully crafted Remake and one of the most exciting videogame experiences I had in a while, and that's only the beginning.

Do I recommend it?:
Hell yes, to both fans and people who haven't played Final Fantasy VII before as well.

Despite being my first God of War game, this game was the reason I bought PS4, was it worth?
Well, the story is good even if it's padded out at times, the twists made it very enjoyable to go through and the character writing is great. Also, the single-cut camera work is quite impressive.
The gameplay is amazing in my opinion; it's deep enough, it has decent varietyband it feels awesome.
The characters are very engaging and I specifically loved the performances.
The graphics are undoubtedly some of the best on the PS4.
The amount of content is adequate for a linear game, there are some side-quests to do, Valkyries to slay and realms to explore.
Also, the music and the audio design are amazing.
Unfortunately, most of the boss fights disappointed me a bit; they consist of re-skinned mini bosses.

+ Nice story
+ Impressive cinematography
+ Fantastic gameplay
+ Intriguing characters
+ Gorgeous visuals

- Padding
- Re-skinned bosses

Narrative: 7/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 9/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
- Outstanding -
God of War is an epic game from the beginning to the end and the perfect way to start a new possible trilogy, it's essential for PS4 owners and a system seller for those who don't own a PS4.

Do I recommend it?:
If you own a PS4, you simply must play God of War.


As someone who never played a Roguelike game before, I was a bit hesitant before playing Hades.
Hades is my first Roguelike game and I gotta say... that was a hell of an experience!
Simply put, Hades is addictive; I couldn't put the controller down at times because it's so goddamn fun to play. There are so many different upgrades and builds to keep the gameplay fresh in every run, and the difficulty is extremely balanced. If you find yourself in trouble, you can activate God Mode to make things a bit easier.
Hades' story is surprisingly intriguing and it has a satisfying conclusion.
The characters are fantastic because they're very likable and diverse; the portrayal of the Gods is wonderful.
The art style is amazing and it feels fluid, and the music is awesome.
Also, the attention to detail, the amount of different dialogue and the side-events in Hades keep the game captivating consistently.
Lastly, the most fascinating thing about Hades is how it utilizes the concept of Roguelike games; dying in Hades is not only a part of the progression system, but it's a part of the narrative as well.
Ok, so what about the flaws? Well, normally there's no such thing as flawless videogame, however... I really don't have anything negative to say about Hades.

+ Addictive & exciting gameplay
+ Balanced difficulty
+ Interesting story and characters
+ Blood pumping music and beautiful art style
+ Revolutionizes the genre

- None

Narrative: 7/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Content: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Art Style: 9/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
Hades is a game full of personality, it has a nice story to tell accompanied by engaging characters, an enthralling gameplay loop, exceptional visuals, intense music, tons of details, excessive replay value and smooth performance, resulting in a flawless videogame experience and one of the best videogames I've played in a while.

Do I recommend it?:
If you're a Roguelike fan, do yourself a favor and play Hades.
If you're not a Roguelike fan, do yourself a favor and play Hades.

Thanks to the PS Plus deal of this month, I got the chance to get into the Mass Effect series.
First of all, I tried playing the first game prior to the sequel but I couldn't get into the game because of the slow pacing and clunky gameplay. Fortunately for me, Mass Effect: Genesis, a short comic book that re-caps the story of the first game and let's you make some important decisions, was featured in Mass Effect 2. So, with Mass Effect 2 having the option to carry over your decisions from the first game, and the story being very simple, I didn't have any problems with getting into the game.
Now, "simple" story doesn't mean it's bad; it's actually a good story, but mostly because of its exceptional world-building and very likable, well-written and diverse characters; probably the biggest highlight of the game.
Another highlight of the game though, is the amount of unique dialogue options and impactful decisions it has, especially during the climax towards the end of the story that still gives me goosebumps.
Also, everything related around the gameplay and the audio design in Mass Effect 2 is significantly improved over the first game, making it a much more fun experience overall.
However, If I had to name one thing that slightly disappointed me in the game, is the toned down RPG gameplay elements; playing Mass Effect 2 feels more like playing a basic third person shooter game instead of playing an RPG game.

+ Good narrative
+ Fantastic world-building
+ Compelling characters
+ Meaningful dialogue options
+ Enjoyable gameplay

- Underwhelming RPG gameplay elements

Narrative: 7/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 8/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
- Outstanding -
Mass Effect 2 isn't only a mass improvement - pun intended - over the first game in almost every way, but it's an epic Sci-Fi journey in every sense of the word, a masterful RPG and an utterly brilliant videogame experience even to this day.

Do I recommend it?:
Definitely! It's easy to get into the game even for newcomers.

As someone who didn't play the original Resident Evil 4 when it came out, I was still very excited to play the remake because I've been a big fan of Capcom's Resident Evil remakes so far and I had high expectations for it, and hoo boy...
Just like in every other Resident Evil game I've played, the story is not good at all. However, I'm impressed by how perfectly well-paced the plot and the gameplay is in this game; it's constantly exciting and enjoyable from the beginning till the end.
Talking about the gameplay, it's absolutely excellent! The shooting, the survival horror elements, the action and set-pieces, the mechanics, the weapon and item variety, the quality of life improvements over the previous Resident Evil games; everything is wonderful! Even the puzzles are very decent.
Although, I got to say, I found the game to be unexpectedly difficult at times, but it's not a big deal because the game is so enjoyable to play, it's honestly hard to put the controller down.
And even though the story is not good, the characters are surprisingly likable and interesting.
Also, unlike in the other Resident Evil games I've played, the bosses in Resident Evil 4 are really fun for the most part, especially towards the end.
Last but not least, the audio and the graphics are simply breathtaking!
As for Separate Ways, it's a very good addition to an already outstanding videogame experience.

+ Perfect pacing
+ Addictive gameplay
+ Good characters
+ Very cool bosses
+ Gorgeous visuals
+ Great DLC

- None

Narrative: ?/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: ?/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
- Outstanding -
Resident Evil 4 is an incredible videogame and an even more incredible Remake; it's Action-Survival Horror perfection and my favorite game in the Resident Evil series so far.
Mission Accomplished, Capcom.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, I highly recommend it even to those who haven't played a Resident Evil game before.

Xenoblade Chronicles, arguably one of the greatest JRPGs of the past 2 decades, a game that I never got to play when it came out but I always wanted to play sometime, which is why I'm really glad the Definitive Edition for the Switch came out.
Now, to be honest, I couldn't get into the game at first because it felt slow, but I tried pushing through the story recently and I finally managed to finish the game.
The story does feel quite slow at times but the premise and the build-up are so intriguing in this game, they kept me playing for many hours even when the story was getting slow. Aside from the pacing though, the story is actually one of the best I've experienced in a JRPG, a massive surprise that I didn't expect at all.
The gameplay feels a bit dated in some instances but it's pretty enjoyable for the most part and it has some interesting mechanics.
The characters are very good; they're surprisingly grounded, smart, funny and self-aware, and their dialogue is very coherent without relying on generic tropes. I'm very impressed!
As much as I liked the story and the characters in Xenoblade Chronicles though, the highlight of the game is the concept of the game's world and the premise of the story, a world made from 2 frozen Titans; it's one of the coolest and most epic things I've seen in a videogame, period. It's an absolutely fascinating idea and it makes up for breathtaking environments and world design.
Also, the music in this game is absolutely fantastic for sure!
The side-quests are uninspired, unfortunately, but it's not a big deal though.

+ Compelling story with many twists and turns
+ Great characters
+ Fun gameplay
+ Incredible concept and world design
+ Awesome music

- Slow pacing
- Boring side-quests

Narrative: 9/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 9/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 10/10
Art Style: ?/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
- Outstanding -
Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the best JRPGs of all time and a wonderful videogame experience even to this day.

Do I recommend it?:
Must-play for JRPG fans and highly recommended for Switch owners.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim isn't a game that caught my attention, until a friend recommended me to give it a try mainly because of one thing; the story.
To be honest, I got into the game with high expectations for the story because I kept hearing how good it is, and after completing the game 100%, I got to say, I'm utterly blown away by how impressive 13 Sentinels's narrative is, not only because the story is incredible by itself, but also because of its unbelievably ambitious premise; 13 different protagonists, 5 different time periods, a concept that's bound to fail but somehow ended up being so well executed, it's mind-blowing.
What's even more mind-blowing, is how well-paced the story is, despite the 40 hours long run-time; it's consistently captivating from the beginning till the end.
With that being said, I don't think the story is completely perfect; it uses many Sci-Fi tropes at times, but the narrative as a whole is outstanding nonetheless, one of the best I've seen in a while and it definitely lived up to my expectations.
Thankfully, the characters are very engaging, likable and impactful, and even the characters I didn't like at first got much better in the process.
Also, the art style looks wonderful and the music is decent too.
The weakest part of the game, however, is anything gameplay related, particularly the Destruction mode, the Real-Time Strategy part of the game; it's kinda... meh, not necessarily boring but not exciting either.

+ Genius story-telling
+ Absolutely fantastic story
+ Compelling characters
+ Gorgeous visuals

- Unremarkable gameplay

Narrative: 10/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 6/10
Art Style: 9/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is an extraordinary narrative-focused videogame with some fascinating ideas that I haven't seen in a videogame before, executed miraculously well.
The Real-Time Strategy gameplay might be somewhat lacking, but thankfully it's a very minor part of the game.

Do I recommend it?:
Must-play if you're looking for engaging story and characters.
Avoid if you're looking for fun gameplay.

As someone who played BioShock Infinite few years ago and fell in love with its world and concept, I was very interested to get into the game that started it all and delve into Rapture.
After finishing my playthrough of BioShock though, what do I think of Rapture; it's honestly one of my favorite places in videogame, ever, and it has some of the best world building, atmosphere and history I've ever seen. It's undoubtedly the highlight of the game alongside the story; it's absolutely incredible, and all its philosophical and profound elements are done masterfully. BioShock is honestly one of the most profound videogames I've ever played, hands down, and it doesn't even have an inch of pretentiousness, at all.
The characters are good too, especially the primary antagonist of the game, but they mostly exist to serve the story and its philosophical themes.
Same goes for the gameplay; it's enjoyable enough to serve the story for at least 1 playthrough.
Unfortunately though, it feels a bit clunky and dated, but adjusting the sensitivity almost entirely fixes that issue.
Also, interestingly enough, BioShock actually managed to sour my taste of BioShock Infinite a little bit, and that's because of several reasons, like the 2 weapon limit, the linear level design, the unnecessarily complicated story, the streamlined gameplay elements and the lack of proper saving system. BioShock Infinite is still a great game though, it just feels like an overglorified spin-off instead of a mainline installment, and not masterfully executed like the first BioShock.

+ Outstanding world building and design
+ Excellent story
+ Nice characters
+ Fun gameplay

- Clunky handling

Narrative: 10/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 8/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
BioShock is one of the most profound videogames of the past 3 generations, a work of art in every sense of the phrase and a narrative masterpiece for the videogame medium.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, absolutely. The gameplay can feel slightly outdated, sure, but adjusting the sensitivity can make it enjoyable.

Just like Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger is frequently regarded as one of the greatest JRPGs of all time.
As someone who hasn't played Chrono Trigger before, I was blown away at how this game still holds up to this day.
The story in Chrono Trigger impressed me because even though the premise is simple, the concept is really cool, the goal is clear from the beginning and there are many different ways to approach it, and the pacing is consistent since the game isn't very long nor difficult, so there's no need for grinding at all.
The gameplay impressed me even more; it's not very complex, but it's enjoyable, it looks flashy and it doesn't feel outdated at all; quite the opposite actually.
The characters are charming and engaging enough, not necessarily the best, but good nonetheless.
Also, the visuals and the music are both really great and they hold up incredibly well.
Something I really appreciated in Chrono Trigger personally is the lack of random encounters; it's an awesome quality of life improvement for the genre in my opinion and I wish more older JRPGs did that.
Overall, I got to say, Chrono Trigger is pretty much flawless; I wish the final boss battle was implemented slightly better because it lacks build-up, but it's not a big deal. Other than that, I don't have anything negative to say about the game.

+ Well-paced and engaging story
+ Fun combat system
+ Likable characters
+ Very nice visuals and music
+ No random encounters or need for grinding

- None

Narrative: 6/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 9/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Simply put, Chrono Trigger is... timeless.
Okay, enough with the puns. Chrono Trigger doesn't necessarily excel at anything, however, it does everything right.

Do I recommend it?:
Chrono Trigger is an easy game to recommend, not only because it's a very good game even to this day, but because it's so accessible, even people who don't enjoy playing RPGs will have fun with this game.

This is a review for the 2.1 version of the game.
Cyberpunk 2077 was arguably one of the most anticipated games of all time, and unfortunately, it launched in an unfinished state, making it a very disappointing release for many people.
Personally, I liked the game since launch, however, I always acknowledged its flaws.
One thing most people agreed on even when the game initially came out, is that its story is great, and that's true. Unfortunately, it's also pretty short in my opinion, but it's very intriguing nonetheless.
The characters are great too; Johnny in particular actually impressed me, and the side-characters are amazing as well.
The gameplay is a bit basic but very enjoyable nonetheless and it has adequate amount of depth, even if the A.I. can be dumb at times.
The world is fantastic; Night City is one of my favorites places in a videogame, period, and most of the side-quests are awesome, just like in The Witcher.
Also, the visuals are gorgeous and the music is incredible.
Unfortunately for the game though, even after the improvements of the 2.1 update, Cyberpunk 2077 is still not the game that was promised to be; it lacks meaningful dialogue options and side-activities, and the life-paths are still irrelevant.

+ Compelling story
+ Lovable and engaging characters
+ Fun and varied gameplay
+ Night City is absolutely spectacular
+ Wonderful quest design

- Short storyline
- Meaningful dialogue options
- Lack of side-activities

Narrative: 8/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Content: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
I can safely say that Cyberpunk 2077 finally feels finished; it plays like a proper modern Open World RPG with very interesting narrative and characters, highly enjoyable gameplay and an amazing world filled with meaningful content, however, it's still not the "next generation RPG" game that was promised to be.

Do I recommend it?:
Highly recommended for people who own PC/PS5/Xbox Series X/S.
At low price for PS4 and Xbox One owners.

Some years ago, I rented Dark Souls III and I played it for few hours but I wasn't good at it and I never got into the series.
After playing Bloodborne, I decided to play Dark Souls III again... but I played it properly this time.
As a Souls game, Dark Souls III tells its interesting story and lore via environmental storytelling, which is an interesting way to tell a story.
The gameplay is slower than in a game like Bloodborne and it feels a bit stiff but it's very varied and enjoyable nonetheless.
The bosses in the first half of the game are lacking unfortunately, they're easy and disappointing for the most part, but the bosses in the second half of the game really make up for it; they're fantastic, some of the best in the series in fact.
Also, the music is absolutely incredible and the graphics are still nice.
As for the DLCs, Ashes of Ariandel is extremely short but the mandatory boss is amazing.
The Ringed City lasts much longer, it has more bosses and an epic conclusion to the entire series.
Overall, the DLCs are actually very good! Ashes of Ariandel is not as good as it could've been but The Ringed City is great.
Unfortunately, just like in Bloodborne, the camera is awkward at times.
However, unlike in Bloodborne, the level design is very linear in Dark Souls III and there is a surprising amount of areas I didn't enjoy, to be honest.

+ Rich lore
+ Fun & diverse gameplay
+ Challenging & epic bosses
+ Incredible music
+ Great DLCs

- Awkward camera in some instances
- Linear level design and many annoying areas

Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 8/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Dark Souls III is a very exciting, challenging and rewarding experience, and a fitting conclusion to the Age of Fire, even if it's not as compelling as some of the other "Souls" games from FromSoftware.

Do I recommend it?:
I'd highly recommend it to the fans of the series/genre and even to newcomers, despite the high difficulty.

For a long time, I was obsessed with Devil May Cry 5's music and art style, however, I never actually played a Devil May Cry game before. 3 years later, I finally decided to play Devil May Cry 5.
I'm gonna be honest, the gameplay didn't necessarily surprise me at first because I'm a newcomer to the series and I couldn't play the game properly, but after getting used to Nero's moveset, things got infinitely better. V's moveset didn't bother me because it basically revolves around button-mashing, unfortunately, and that's probably the only gripe I have about Devil May Cry 5's gameplay, but Dante's moveset on the other hand, left me speechless; it single-handedly elevates Devil May Cry 5's gameplay as arguably my absolute favorite gameplay in any videogame, ever!
Seriously, the amount of variety and depth in his moveset is simply unmatched.
I don't remember the last time where my enjoyment with a game skyrocketed that much in such a short amount of time; from the moment Dante becomes playable, the game gets much better.
Heck, he even made me buy Vergil's DLC, which is pretty good; Vergil's moveset is incredible as well!
The story, however, is just serviceable, but it's not an important part of the game.
The characters are likeable despite having cheesy dialogue, which is intentional anyway.
The music is absolutely phenomenal and the visuals are breathtaking.
The level design though, is definitely one of Devil May Cry 5's weakest aspects.
Also, the game has microtransactions, even though they're mostly an afterthought and they didn't affect my experience at all.

+ Excellent gameplay
+ Nice characters
+ Awesome music
+ Gorgeous graphics and cutscenes

- V's moveset
- Uninspired level design

Narrative: ?/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Devil May Cry 5 is a banger! It's a superb Action - Hack 'n' Slash game and a perfect example of peak gameplay.

Do I recommend it?:
Hell yes, a must-play for fans of the genre. However, I wouldn't recommend it to people who don't enjoy playing games with complex and demanding gameplay.

Despite being a text-based RPG, Disco Elysium caught my attention thanks to its reception from critics and fans alike.
Now, even though Disco Elysium's gameplay loop consists mainly of dialogue, it's actually quite... addictive? Like, it's genuinely an extremely fun game to play because the dialogue is so incredibly engaging, well written and it utilizes some absolutely fantastic ideas that I've never seen before in a videogame. Besides, the gameplay doesn't consist solely of dialogue; the excessive amount of options that affect the story, the characters and even the gameplay, and the impressive skill system heavily enhance the overall experience.
However, the gameplay loop in Disco Elysium is not very important anyway because the game emphasises heavily on its narrative, characters and world building.
As for the narrative... it's one of the best written games I've ever played. The plot is quite simple, sure, but the writing is so goddamn compelling, it pulls you into Disco Elysium's wonderful world and it makes you forget about reality for few hours.
Additionally, the characters are engaging and well written as well, and the visuals and the music are good too.
Unfortunately for a game like Disco Elysium though, a text-based isometric RPG that mainly focuses on the dialogue, there is some fluff here and there.
Also, the handling and movement of the character feel a bit awkward most of the time, but it's not a big deal.

+ Fun text-based gameplay loop
+ Deep RPG elements and progression systems
+ Great story
+ Unparalleled writing
+ Very good characters

- Unnecessary dialogue in some instances
- Clunky handling

Narrative: 9/10
Gameplay: ?/10
Content: 9/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 7/10
Art Style: 7/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Disco Elysium is without a doubt, one of the most well written and engaging videogames I've ever played.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes but it's not for everyone.
If you don't enjoy playing story-driven videogames with a lot of dialogue and RPG elements, don't bother.
Otherwise, give Disco Elysium a try.

Final Fantasy X was my first old Final Fantasy game. At first, I was slightly concerned because it's an old game, but after the first few hours, things got much better.
Anyway, the story is actually amazing; it's surprisingly well written and very emotional, arguably one of the best stories I've seen in a JRPG.
The gameplay holds up perfectly well; it honestly plays like a modern turn based game, still really fun and as deep as it needs to be.
The main characters are very good and they got even better in the process, even the characters I wasn't sure I would like.
The Sphere Grid is very interesting and the RPG elements are completely serviceable.
The music is awesome, the set-pieces are very nice and the CGI cutscenes are quite impressive even to this day.
Unfortunately though, the level design is extremely linear, and some minor elements in the game are outdated, like the puzzles, annoying difficulty spikes towards the end and voice acting.

+ Fantastic storyline
+ Great characters
+ Enjoyable gameplay
+ Sphere Grid
+ Beautiful music

- Very linear structure
- Outdated minor elements
- Difficulty spikes

Narrative: 9/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 9/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Even after all these years, Final Fantasy X is still an impressive JRPG, as well as one of the most engaging, fun and technologically advanced games in the entire series. Some elements haven't aged very well, sure, but the journey as a whole is so beautiful, it makes the experience worthwhile.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes but mostly to those who enjoy turn based combat and JRPGs.
Must-play for Final Fantasy fans though.

After getting into the series with Final Fantasy VII Remake and working my way through some of the older games afterwards, the Final Fantasy series quickly became my favorite videogame series of all time.
I had very high expectations for Final Fantasy XVI, not only because I'm a big fan of the series, but also because it looked absolutely breathtaking from the trailers.
Surprisingly enough, the story and the characters are actually better than I expected, and the character writing, dialogue, world building and lore are arguably the best in the entire series.
The gameplay is basically a streamlined version of Devil May Cry 5's gameplay; it lacks depth and challenge, but I still like it nonetheless because the action combat system works well and the Eikonic abilities are great. With that being said though, I wish it had more combos and deeper RPG elements.
The visuals are gorgeous, the soundtrack is easily one of the best in the entire series, and the boss fights... oh my god! The Eikon boss fights are the most spectacular fights I've ever seen in a videogame, period.
Unfortunately, however, Final Fantasy XVI has some noticeable flaws as well, such as mandatory fetch quests that slow down the pacing of the story at times, inconsistent framerate even in performance mode which is borderline unacceptable for a PS5 exclusive title, and underwhelming side-content that needs more variety and better rewards.

+ Engaging story
+ Likable and compelling characters
+ Fun gameplay
+ Wonderful visuals and music
+ Jaw-dropping boss fights

- Pacing issues
- Minor performance issues
- Lack of meaningful side-content

Narrative: 8/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 8.5/10
- Really Great -
By trying to diverge from the main series in many areas, Final Fantasy XVI is a divisive Final Fantasy game, however, it's the best mainline Final Fantasy game since XII by far and a flame of rebirth for the main series.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, to both fans and newcomers.