horrible game. Alt F4ed the game when a quest glitched out on me and I followed a guy on horseback for nearly 20 minutes straight with no dialog playing and never came back. Full of horrible "realism" mechanics with the sole intention of inconveniencing the player and RE1's save system but in an open world game, uninteresting story with bad characters with extremely boring quest objectives, and on a technical level the game is barely functional. BTW the tutorial takes 3 hours to make sure no player can get a refund when they realize the game is awful.

I once had to stop playing this game for several years because leaving it open would crash Chrome due to the amount of cookies I was making. Only years later when Chrome updated to be able to keep up with my cookie production was I able to continue playing. Great game.

netcode is (mostly) fixed now and this is one of my favorite fighting games ever I wish more people played it. Arceuid is queen.

greatest tech demo of all time. Genuinely it's a really fun 3D platformer in its own right with a couple of hours of playtime. I just wish more games other than this and Demon's Souls remake took full advantage of the PS5 controller because it's actually really cool.

Awful remake. Worse than Pokemon Platinum which came out in 2009, and I'm not just nitpicking, this game straight up has less content and a worse Regional Dex thanks to the god awful decision to borrow Diamond/Pearl's for some reason despite taking tons of other stuff from Platinum. Also NO option to turn off exp share so the game is so easy you can't lose if you try. Really regret buying it and I think this purchase caused me to swear off Nintendo and just play ROMhacks instead if I want Pokemon. There has not been a good Pokemon game since BW2 came out in 2013, the continual lack of effort in this series really disappoints me but I guess it doesn't matter because it sells right??

It's honestly amazing that so many relatively high-profile people collaborated on this, finished it, and looked at it and said "yep, this is acceptable to release to the public".

YIIK is the least enjoyable single-player game I have ever played, which is crazy because you can see genuine potential and moments of good atmosphere, and a lot of work and creativity went into the artstyle - but the horrifically slow combat, terrible pacing, and extremely sophomoric writing destroy any enjoyment that can be derived from this train wreck.

If it wasn't for how slow and unenjoyable the combat was this would be a funny playthrough as a "The Room" type experience, because the writing is so outlandishly awful and awkward that it's just hilarious.

Underlooked gem and the precursor to the Dark Souls series. A must play. It's almost criminal how slow the first hour or two of the game is, but once you're past the first area this becomes one of the most immersive games I have ever played, and only gets better the deeper you go.

fuck you tameem

I can't even pretend to hide my bias against this game but it still deserves the lowest score possible on account of having possibly the worst story and writing out of any media I have ever seen ever in my entire life. While you can watch clips of just the "so bad its funny" parts on Youtube, when you actually play the game most of the dialog is just awkward, stilted and painful. It's like a 12 year old wrote a Persona 3 fanfiction.

The combat "works" but anything that's good about the combat is taken from DMC3/4 with all of the annoying aspects like colored enemies, weird hitpauses, and the very bizarre decision to forgo a lock-on feature being new additions. Since any positive aspect of this game comes from its predecessors this game holds no value whatsoever and I hate its soul.

butchered port of a fantastic game. play the DS version if you have an old DS laying around.

Extremely good at doing what it does. Exercise games in the past have either failed to provide adequate exercise like Wii Fit, or are just a fun game that happens to get you moving like Beat Saber or DDR.

This is neither of those things. This game looks at what is an effective exercise first and then designed a game around it. It's a linear runner game that's split up by turn-based combat where you need to do a full set of callisthenics to perform attacks, with adjustable difficulties determining your set counts. It's genuinely a very effective way to motivate yourself to exercise at home if you have trouble with it, as many people do.

There's a lot of room for improvement though, the biggest one being the attack balancing doesn't make any sense. A lot of the times easy exercises like arm spin end up being more powerful than difficult exercises like squats and planks. Some of the exercises have weird form to coincide with the game needing motion for the attack systems, i.e. planks make you do an unneeded hip lift - this could have been remedied by adding a mechanic for holding form to attack instead.

This is a great purchase though and I'd love for it to get a sequel.


I have a lot to say on this one - people were acting like it was some groundbreaking title but its really just if a Yume Nikki clone and Earthbound clone had a baby, nothing you'll see here hasn't been done elsewhere. It's advertised as a horror game - while the horror parts are good they're pretty sparse, and it isn't until about 15 hours in you get to the Yume Nikki-like exploration horror elements, which was almost like "here's the game you actually wanted now". Unfortunately part of the reason this game is nearly 20 hours long is a whole lot of it feels like filler, or repetitive gameplay loops that just didn't really need to be there.

Despite this it's a very solid, well-executed game with a good story but its definitely very overrated.

It was fun when i was 10 but i play osrs now

I think it's really good at what it does but it's definitely a game I wouldn't recommend to most people. Weird mix of a Cookie Clicker type game where you see numbers go up + active social activity, it's the only MMO I can really stomach though.