more proof that brand recognition is more important than actually making a fun game

randomly shadowdropped remaster of one of my favorite games of all time that happens to be the best way to play the game.

I wish Nintendo hyped this up more because calling it a "remaster" does a disservice when comparing it to all the terrible HD upscales that are called "remastered". This is actually one of the best looking games on the Switch, and coupled with tons of control options that anyone is going to find a config they like, there is no excuse not to have played Metroid Prime in 2023.

I don't see what everyone else sees in this game or really the NieR series at all for that matter. It's a repetitive slog with shallow and unbalanced combat. On normal mode it's nearly impossible to die, on hard mode I was getting one-shot from full health so much I found the game unplayable, so there was no "balanced" difficulty where the game actually provided a fair challenge. The combat does not offer a lot of diversity since you fight every enemy by doing a precision dodge and then attacking it with an overly simplistic system that doesn't offer enough options compared to other character-action games. The story is good but it makes me think this game is hitting a very young target audience because it's giving an existential message in an extremely on-the-nose and melodramatic way. People talk about this game's story like they have never seen or read any decent piece of media about the apocalypse before. This game has a lot of opportunity for environmental storytelling due to its post-apocalyptic setting, but it instead decides to not take that to its advantage at all and tell the entire story through cutscenes and the setting is mostly a drab backdrop.

The OST I think is the only part of the game I loved as much as everyone else, but I can just listen to that by itself without actually playing the game.

I really need to stop spending money on FOMO early access survival games just because my friends are playing them. The potential this game has is cool but the odds it gets realized ever are low, and currently its just a sequence of a bunch of ideas stolen from other games tacked onto gameplay loops intentionally designed to waste your time.

Survival games have so much potential as a genre but they just always come out as these really grindy, skinnerbox games that just infuriate me to play. I've only ever liked 2 survival games, Subnautica and Minecraft, and its because those games actually make exploring the world exciting and rewarding, and also aren't intentionally designed to waste your time by forcing you to grind levels to craft things and making you watch bars go down constantly.

this sucked. "Omg she is literally me" is not a reason to like something.

Daisuke is smoking crack with these patches

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logging this a second time just to say its a huge privilege to not have a Twitter account and only hear about whatever bullshit argument is happening on there secondhand when I read people's reviews for games on here. Now I actually get to enjoy things.

Writing was really funny, art is great, and despite the game having a really juvenile tone a lot of the time it's good at getting serious and depicting fucked up relationship dynamics. I saw someone complaining that the all of the cannibalism/murder/incest is just some juvenile attempt to shock the audience, I think to some extent that's true but that's not where the horror in this game lies, the pscyhological horror of this game comes in the scenes where you watch the main characters verbally abuse each other one minute and then talk normally the next just because the verbal abuse is such a regular part of their relationship. The horror comes when you realize the incest is not some barely disguised author's fetish but is actually the disgusting culmination of Ashley's obsessive, possessive, narcissistic nature and Andrew's creepy attraction to her that has kept him from just leaving this whole time. The nature of the impacts of abuse here is depicted very realistically, where a codependent pair keeps each other down while hurting anyone who gets near them.

Hyped for part 3, fuck Twitter and fuck the sharty.

The best part of this game is when the screen goes black and theres no game and youre just reading text instead of playing this dogshit

hey what if we took zelda botw and then made the korok sidequests the main objective of the game? then put sonic the hedgehog in it but make all the slopes work like running your horse up a cliff in skyrim.

That sounds peak, fucking ship it.

This was a major improvement over the original release in nearly every way. I think by this version of the game Dark Souls 2 genuinely was a really good game, if youve never played the original the enemy placements were completely changed up in this release which improved the level design in lots of places, and the 3 DLCs it comes with do stand with some of the best levels of Dark Souls 1 in terms of quality (with the exception of the awful optional gauntlets that were intended for co-op). All of the Souls atmosphere is here and DkS2 does some awesome things that its unfortunate didn't come back after this game, such as bonfire ascetics, a much more fleshed out NG+ mode, and more fleshed out multiplayer and covenant features. You could definitely tell this game came out before "Soulslike" really became a genre because it focuses a lot more on the RPG and character building aspects of the game less than the combat and enemy designs - combat has a bit of a floaty, clunky feel and the boss fights really feel lacking until the DLCs, but the build variety in this game was great, even more great than the first, and the series wouldn't reach that level of player agency again until Elden Ring. I would recommend a Dark Magic build if you're playing this for the first time since magic really takes advantage of what makes this game stand out from more polished, recent Soulslikes.

Dark Souls 2 is unfortunately permeated by one major flaw that makes it hard to play by today's standards for a lot of people used to Soulslikes and that is the fact that dodge roll invincibility frames are tied to a stat, and very often even with this stat leveled up you will get hit mid-dodge-roll. Shields were also nerfed from Dark Souls 1 so avoiding some attacks requires an unreasonable level of precision especially with this game's notoriously wonky hitboxes. But I still think this one isn't worth skipping (although some of the optional bosses definitely are worth skipping).

I wish I had a better sense of humor in 2015

i am going to have intercourse with daisy

peak sidescroller, incredible game. I think if this released outside of Japan back in the day people wouldn't argue about what the best Classicvania is. Everything about it is perfect.

I played this with some egirl at college in her dorm and we only dated for 2 weeks so I am projecting my bad experience onto this game.