31 Days Video Games Music Challenge

List stolen from someone who has stolen it from someone else. (FallenGrace)
I just added 1 extra day/song and it is: ''Opening Music''

Day 27: Music from a handheld game

Metropolitan Edge
Day 19: Cover of music from a different artist

Machine Gun Kiss
Day 14: Music featuring vocals

Howl of the Departed
Day 28: Music that makes you feel nostalgic

Under the Apple Tree
Day 17: Music you never get tired of

Silent Desert
Day 1: Title screen music

Title Game
Day 24: Music you constantly have stuck in your head

N. Sanity Island
Day 2: Opening level music:

Day 15: Boss battle music

Day 21: Music you associate with frustration

On The Ground
Day 18: Music in a game released the year you were born

Sound Test
Day 6: Music that makes you feel relaxed

Hum of the Fayth - Tidus ver.
Day 9: Music from a licensed game
(idk what this means exactly)

Day 5: Hub world or overworld music

Crossing Those Hills
Day 8: Music from a shooter

Foregone Destruction
Day 25: Music that gets you pumped

Since 1983
Day 12: Music that makes you feel sad

Day 30: Credits Music

Beyond The Dark Life
Day 26: Music you like from a game you haven't played

Wind of Memory
Day 22: Town/village music

Town of Kamishima
Day 4: Music from a console exclusive series

Whistle of the Warrior
Day 13: Music you like from a game you don't like

Desert Requiem
Day 20: Music from a racing game

Conditioned Reflex
Day 29: Final boss music

The Strongest Foe
Day 11: Puzzle game music

Main Theme


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