they keep saying it's hard to run PS3 games natively on these machines yet here we are


a game for people who like to say "he's just a little guy" out loud

i want to live in one of those 'american werewolf' towns where people have nothing better to do than go to the pub and pretend there isn't an ancient manticore three doors down from where you live

had it up to here with morally inclined games rubbing my nose in shit they make me do. be the game that idles at a house party smelling like cat litter and cigarettes until floating over to a crowd, whipping out an 8 year old smart phone to say those 6 magic words: want to see something REALLY fucked?

jeff vandermeer's super monkey ball

thinking of the butterfly effect had this been the mario 2 exported to the rest of the world

that's why isaac never talked

first thing that happens is you try to slash a goblin's doink off, but it doesn't work and the goblin retaliates by sawing off your legs. good encapsulation of what's to come.

psychological warfare and i'm undecided if i respect it for that

one of the best looking, best playing games in recent years and, in the most endearing way, tonally frozen in 2011. from the music choices to the 'the problem is the world isn't run by a nicer billionaire' story.

it rules that they added all the things that fans say ruined banjo-kazooie

if rinse dream made garry's mod

Some of the nicest atmosphere to be found on the platform and some of the worst everything-else in your way from enjoying any of it. Cryin' shame status.


even if i give them all three stars the reemergence of mid-sized games is a win