I pumped too much sewage and my river became brown

I was in fact wrong about the game at first
I thought it was stupid and repetitive but after getting better at it I really like it now
The music, the feel of the game and the story is all also really good
Also I hate the dogs in this game

I don't get how people enjoy games like these

Honestly this game ain't bad, not the best but pretty fun to play with your friends, kinda addicting to play
Only problem is the enemy variety isn't that good and that the character is kinda slow and gets kinda boring to walk around so much
Other than that it's pretty good though

Honestly pretty funny to play as one of those it's so bad it's good games

Ok so, I know that this looks bad
But I literally don't even care about the 18+ and it's honestly just a funny game to play

Better than the actual game, you don't actually have to run around aimlessly for hours just to do one quest and you feel pretty cool while getting better gear
Also highly suggested to play with friends,on your own or with randoms gets boring very quickly

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I mean it was good but some of the boss fights were kinda boring like blood starved beast, the other thunder dog, that witch, the L reborn
The only cool boss fights were lucarius and every hunter boss fight
Other than that the atmosphere was pretty cool and some of the NPCs were also cool

This game cringy af, plus the characters were pretty boring and I hate Chloe and Max

One of the most interesting games to come out

The perfect version of Minecraft (idc that im blinded by nostalgia)


Played against the Rabbids and they beat me
Bwahbwah is an L

Literally tried my best for these people and those fuckers still exiled me