Stellar Blade was an extremely fun game, but the story is pretty straight forward. (No Spoilers)

The combat was incredible, action like Nier with a bit of soulslike when it came to bosses having attack patterns with timed parries. Even had segments that made the combat just turn into somewhat of a horror game. The animations were crisp. Everything felt like it hit with force it was so satisfying.

The soundtrack was beautiful, every fight scene had a banger of a song play in the background and just roaming around the song fit the atmosphere. One particular song that played during a boss fight near the end was amazing.

The graphics were absolutely stunning. The character detail, particularly EVE, was insane. She looked so lifelike you'd think it was a movie. The cosmetics to make EVE stand out in many ways provided many options, made me want to replay the game just to see her in different outfits in the cutscenes.

Like I said at the beginning, the story was pretty straight forward but they told it quite well. However, I did wish they explored the word they built more. Normally, I don't mind getting collectibles to discover more lore but I felt like I needed to go out of my way to learn more doing so. What did shine however, was the side quest line of a duo that I loved so much. At the end of the day, it was still a solid story. Replaying the game to get the platinum trophy really makes you focus on the cutscenes even more knowing the end.

My biggest issue with the game is some stuff out of combat. It could be a bit rough. Some segments slow down to a crawling pace, especially a few parts near the end. Sometimes the movement wasn't quite responsive, EVE would not listen to the inputs and would do whatever she'd like, normally falling to her death, which got frustrating. Some of the puzzles, although pretty easy, ended up being tedious.

Overall, the game is great. They had some minor issues that I think could be easily resolved with some patches. I definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys action games.

Another fantastic game by Vanillaware. I fun tactics game with a story similar to Fire Emblem. Really loved the world they built. Even with so many characters, most of them felt fleshed out. OST was great. Combat is predetermined so I found myself skipping battles instead of watching the amazing animations.

So many lovable characters with unique dialogue towards others, you could completely miss out on recruiting people just because you didn’t recruit another one. I was definitely elf pilled lmao. Alain and crew are definitely gonna be remembered, all 60 or so of them.

This is by far my favorite Gran Turismo game. Without playing this, I wouldn't have met some of my best friends.

This game was special. An action rhythm game that is incredibly fun to play. A straightforward story with lovable characters filled with plenty of comedy. Robbie Daymond is just one of the best VAs out there. The boss fights and OST were amazing. I feel like with how short this is, I'll find myself coming back with all that post game content.


Absolute masterpiece.

The second game in the FFVII Remake Trilogy was nothing short of a brilliant piece of art. From the world, to the gameplay, to the soundtrack, to the minigames, to the characters, and of course, the story. This game offered so much to do and it was everything I ever could dreamed of.

There were multiple parts of the game where I had to pause to soak in that this wasn't a dream, it was real and it is actually happening.

Each region being expanded on such a massive scale was incredible. Every area felt like it's own little world and game with so much to do. The side quests actually felt like mini stories instead of meaningless tasks. Paired along with all the minigames, and trust me there is a whole lot of them, makes you easily dive eight hours into an area before even touching the next main story piece.

Gameplay blows Remake out of the water, like Kingdom Hearts 1 into 2 in terms of the changes. Every character was fun to play as, especially with the amazing combos you can do with synergy skills and abilities. Paring characters up with certain materia to just make them unstoppable machines was so fulfilling.

The soundtrack was great! Those remixes paired along with original songs added so much to the game, just like Remake. I can never get over the one they used for a certain side quest, absolute banger.

Story was phenomenal as per usual, the character focus was brilliant. Each character had such fantastic representation, seeing how far they've already come and what they've been through in this journey. The voice actors did such a great job, everyone felt so real. Their banter outside the serious moments and even in serious moments were hilarious I love these dorks so much. So many moments that left me completely speechless, which forced me to take a break for a moment. I'm not afraid to admit I cried. The ending, without spoiling anything, left me an emotional wreck. I sat there watching the credits in my chair still not fully realizing everything the just occurred. THAT is how you make a masterpiece of a story, and we aren't even finished with the story as a whole yet!

This is what I wanted, still can't believe what I just played was even real. Playing this right after Persona 3 Reload was something I needed. I can't wait for Part 3 of this trilogy because I know it will absolutely be a once in a lifetime experience just like the first two games. I know they got something amazing cooking for us.

Thank you so much.

Yuffie, who was entirely optional in the original Final Fantasy VII, received a prologue with an awesome supporting character, Sonon. It added a whole new weight to her and her presumed arc in the future heading into the next two installments. She was incredible to play as. I really enjoyed the OST. Had so much energy to match Yuffie. It was short and sweet. Finished it in 4 hours in one sitting. They made her such a dork, she’s the best. The ending, even though I expected it, hit like a truck. Simply beautiful.

A true masterpiece. From the voice acting to the design to the OST and everything in between, this game was treated with so much love for the original, yet providing uniqueness. Got me crying about a story I already knew.

Thank you for this. This is an all time great.

Another game where gamers turn into five star voice actors when they are about to die. This game is incredibly hilarious and can be extremely scary. I love the proximity chat. The ambient noise along with the art design add to the eeriness of the game. Glad my friend gifted this to me.

Didn’t finish it, big chance I won’t. The grind is too much and the gameplay is just not enjoyable. The art and ost are beautiful even for the moody tone but the 3D models are bad. Story seemed interesting yet very predictable. Shelving it for now, might pick it up later but I want to try some other games out.

CSGO but with upgrades. Still fun.

A fun retro feel RPG. Had all the wit and charm. Story definitely was a slow build up but man it was exciting once it did. Gameplay got repetitive but that wasn't really a bad thing. I loved the main party members. Garl is the best.

Finally got to this and it was worth the wait. What a game. Everything the previous game setup was built and improved upon. Phenomenal story telling with strong and relatable characters. Santa Monica Studios really outdid themselves.

A beautiful HD remaster of the prequel to FF7. The new graphics, voices and OST were amazing. It was short but told what needed to be told. Lovable characters that, even with how crazy it can get, felt real. Embrace your dreams.

One of the best super hero games ever. An amazing story with lovable characters and phenomenal voice acting. A few bugs didn’t hamper my experience. I loved everything about the original and Insomniac just outdid themselves, a true contender for Game of the Year.