Night 1 - 1 attempt
Night 2 - 4 attempts
Night 3 - 11 attempts
Night 4 - 21 attempts
Night 5 - 53 attempts
Night 6 - 98 attempts
Total - 188 attempts

Withered Freddy - 8 deaths
Withered Bonnie - 39 attempts
Withered Chica - 28 attempts
Withered Foxy - 43 attempts
Puppet - 14 deaths
Toy Freddy - 10 deaths
Toy Bonnie - 16 deaths
Toy Chica - 19 deaths
Mangle - 1 death
Golden Freddy - 4 deaths

Night 1 - 1 attempt
Night 2 - 1 attempt
Night 3 - 3 attempts
Night 4 - 6 attempts
Night 5 - 33 attempts
Night 6 - 51 attempts
Total - 95 attempts

Bonnie - 23 deaths
Chica - 13 deaths
Foxy - 7 deaths
Freddy - 46 deaths

Lore is nice but gameplay is rubbish

My dad chucked out my wii when I was 5 because I "Wasn't good at mario kart"

Well, since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you
I did not care for "God of War Ragnarok"


Did not care for "God of War Ragnarok"

How can you even say that, Dad?

Didn't like- Didn't like it.

Zappa15, it's so good. It's like the perfect game.

I- This is what everyone always says. Whenever they say, it's like, "Oh my..." Everyone always says-

Richard Schiff, Ryan Hurst, I mean,


You never see- CHRISTOPHER JUDGE?!

I know, l uh eh, FINE fine actor, did not like the game.

Why not?

Did not- couldn't get into it.

Explain yourself. What didn't you like about it?

It insists upon itself


It insists upon itself.

What does that even mean?


It takes forever gettin' in. They spend nearly six and a half hours

It's a great game.

I love "Donkey Kong Jr" That is my answer to that statement.


Well there you go.


I like that game, too.

I understand what people mean when they say it's the best game ever.
Because it is

Worst game ever i hate it

Holyyy shit best game ever