My GOTY list

From 1995 onwards
No 2019 , 2021 and 2023 (for now)


11 days ago

Honestly, it's way too hard to condense all of a year's gaming into a singular title, so I've personally never been a big fan of GOTY. But you did a great job picking some great titles. Obviously the biggest surprise is Wolf Among Us over TLOU1. Don't see any review for the game on your Backloggd, so were you not a fan or just thought Wolf was better?

Really happy for AC Origins getting recognition, though obviously BOTW is what most folks considered the GOTY for 2017.

11 days ago

@RedBackLoggd so the thing with TLOU1 is, its a very good game imo, but that's about it.
It didn't impact me in any way. If it comes to post apocalyptic stories, I feel like the story of Telltale's TWD is better (S1 at least).
The relationship between Lee and Clementine is better than the relationship between Joel and Ellie.
If it comes to gameplay, TLOU is pretty cool but nothing revolutionary. I see it as an overall 8/10 game, but nowhere near the 10/10 people claim it to be. Again, just my opinion. Besides, im tired of post apocalyptic stuff, it's been overdone to the death.

And yeah, TWAU is more of my cup of tea.
Great vibes, Gorgeous visuals, Mystery,
Badass protagonist, Great story and what not tbh:)))
I love the idea of fable characters living in a city and interacting with each other.

11 days ago

Hey man, it's all subjective and I certainly won't lambast you for not liking something AS MUCH as me haha. At the end of the day, we both like it, so why fight? Who cares if you don't think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread? And yeah, like I told you on that other list, I gotta still play TWD1 cause I heard great things.

Seems like you're a big TellTale fan in general with both that and TWAU being some of your favorite titles?

11 days ago

@RedBackLoggd not necessarily , out of all the Telltale games, I only like these 2 in a special way. Im hyped for TWAU2 tho :)))

11 days ago

Oh lol, well hopefully it lives up to the hype

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