For me Celeste is a comfy game for me i remember in the night i sat down in my beanbag and started Celeste and played it for a couple of hours. The Vibe and Atmosphere is just great and i love it

This game... WOW the atmosphere, vibe, soundtrack, story. its just WOW i had so much fun playing this. its definetly not for everyone but for me its one of my favorite games.

This game is a walking simulator like everyone says yes BUT thats not a bad thing i love walking around with the world bc the world is beatiful and combined with soundtrack its just mmmh. Its not for everyone because the game is very very slow paced and some cutscenes are like 30 minutes long but i really like the game. the story, THE SOUNDTRACK, the world, the horror elements and Mads Mikkelsen

I waited for this game like 2 years and when it finally came out i was honestly not disapointed. the main story sucks ass it only gets good in the last few missions but i like almost every other aspect of the game. just for record i like bethesda games in general so its not a big suprise that i like starfield. the side mission storylines are really good and they take couple of hours to complete and there are like 10 whole side mission story lines so you can get some playtime out of it. The other stuff is also great i think actually the planets and moons are beatiful even if they are rocky. they still look beatiful in my opinion. the base building system is also good like you can even automate ore extraction and the building system is just pretty detailed. its the same thing for the ship building system. and idk i just really like the whole game also the things that other people dont like. im just in love with this game

This game DAMN i loved this game im a really really REALLY big indie game fan and this game did not disapoint me it was such a beatiful experience. the atmosphere is great. the story telling too and just every other aspect

Its minecraft you know.

This game exploded and gained so much hype so i decided to play it too and to be honest in my opinion it does not deserve this much hype i know yeah you can enslave pokemon how cool but the game is not very polished and they need to do manyyyy improvements until the game is like really good. for me it was fun for some hours but it it is my opinion not a very good game. maybe good but not very good.


This game is just so good damn. Not for everyone but definetly for me xD The soundtrack and sounddesign was stunning. the game in general looks so so so so beatiful and the story is really touching. I recomend playing this at night when youre in a really chill mood.

This game is just so stunning like everything you do changes something it feels like there are no barriers. there are so many endings and like everything you do actually does something. Its just a really well made game.

I play mainly TTT with my friends in garrys mod its just so fun. Garrys mod is like one of the best sandbox games with such a good modding community.

Really cool game with very nice gameplay and mechanics

I love the outerworlds! the storyline, the world, the combat and everything else. it's just fun to play every time. and one big positive thing is that you can play it several times because of the different storylines you can really decide how you want to play the game and you have a completely different experience almost every time you play it. You have a completely different story each time depending on which side you're on, you have different weapons each time compared to the previous time, you're always in different locations because some quests lead to different locations than others. Overall, the outerworlds is a really well made game that you can play through several times without getting bored. Another thing is that you have almost no barriers. You are completely free. you can kill every single person in this game even people who are important for the main story which is very unusual for games. Its just a really good feeling when you know that you can do everything you want to do.

Idk why i liked this game so much but damn its my favorite far cry game. the world, story and gameplay was just so good in my opinion i think i really need to replay this!

Very well made game. I like it