Surprisingly well done art style, level design and music. Fun action game with a story that feels muddy at times but is still generally interesting.

Kill boss.

Praise the gun! Pretty interesting souls like with guns and random generation. Enjoyed the art style and wish the story was a little better told because the lore actually ended up being pretty interesting towards the end.

These games are like candy, not enough to be a full thing but still kinda sweet. Story is absolutely nonsensical but enjoyed the gameplay.

the physics in this game just feel so floaty and nothing has weight to it, like the rest of the gameplay. There's just nothing that makes me want to play this.

Bloodborne 2: Puppets in Paris was better than I could have ever expected. Total love letter to the souls genre with some great additions like the legion arm and weapon assembly system. Story was way better than its premise ever let on to be and I'm very excited for DLC and future sequel.

Best surprise drop of 2023, the art style, music, gameplay, all of it was just fun from start to finish. Like devil may cry meets jet set radio future, can’t believe how much fun this was.

The best Peter Parker that exists in modern media in my opinion. Writing, gameplay, and setting only solidify it even on replays. Remastered version is great with updated visuals and performance for zipping around NYC.

It’s a pretty unique premise with going through the chapters feeling like you’re playing individual stories. It’s hard to get attached because the chapters are pretty short but the HD2D style is beautiful and music makes it enjoyable to progress through to the end when things start to get even more interesting.

I thought I was getting low stakes persona Devil may cry. Instead I got emotional trauma.

This short, solo dev game is not without flaws, but the story and characters make the journey absolutely worth it.

Dont let go.

Visuals and art style on this game were honestly great but the difficulty spikes feel random at times and the overall rogue like style just made me annoyed every time I had to redo a run rather than being excited.

In my journey through souls games, Bloodborne will always be the most memorable just because of the beautiful art direction and the way that the story ends up being something entirely different than what you originally expect going in. I loved the aggressive combat system , the transforming trick weapons, and the customization, all of which helps this game just ooze style. It’ll always blow my mind how this never became a series of games because I would have played every one.

You must accept moon.

Big disappointment, while the art style is nice and I respect the timeline approach to making a strategy game, the gameplay just is not fun, your actions feel weightless, and enemies just keep appearing at times out of thin air which is both annoying and feels weird. Not worth bothering.

Go in blind, you will stumble and become frustrated, but you will prevail. The ending is worth the journey. I’m sad I’ll never get to experience this for the first time ever again.

I never forgot this game after playing it on PSP and this version just made it better in almost every way.

Worth playing 100% for Zack’s story alone. Watch him become a hero.

FF shifting into an action game didn’t bother me at all. The combat is fun and stylish if a little watered down. I wish they at least added more RPG elements besides accessories that boost your stats. But the story is absolutely nuts and I can’t remember the last time a FF game made my mouth drop from just insanely huge set pieces and surprise moments. Each boss fight was crazier than the last and I enjoyed the darker take on the world.