The story and art style are generally interesting but the gameplay feels like an empty DMC clone, something about it feels very weightless and just boils down to "press this button to fight red enemies and press this other button to fight blue enemies" , got about halfway through and just cant bring myself to finish it despite liking other things about the game.

The extra half star is purely for the visuals and the ideas that were presented in this game.

Everything else about this was so boring / bad it wasn't worth me trying to keep playing. The game opens with story beats that are meant to feel emotional but just happen suddenly and without much exposition or time to even get invested that it just feels like a weird joke, the voice acting is not good, the magic gunplay seemed like it would be fun but you're just cycling through red, blue, and green magic and color coding them to enemies in ways that never really feel fluid or that they're making sense all while the FPS eventually tanks once there's too many different colors on screen. I was slightly interested in the background of the world but even that got ruined once I realized the red, green, and blue magic were called exactly that, everything here is surface level. I feel bad for anyone that paid full price for this and could not get a refund.

Despite some jank, Vampyr is def worth playing and a worthy attempt at being one of the best Vampire experiences with a really engaging story.

Game loses some points because combat can be clunky, and the dialogue choices are not clear about their consequences which left me with some people dying that I was not expecting to die, but I was interested enough to continue on. If you're really stumped about what a major dialogue decision may do, you might want to do a quick search so you don't end up upset with its outcome.

I really enjoyed the system of managing districts and citizens, and making you deal with the fact that being a pacifist will make the game immensely harder because killing citizens is the fastest and kind of only way to become truly strong, it really felt like a true vampire's dilemma.

The world is a beautiful place and I am no longer afraid to die.

A perfect glow up for persona 3 giving it all the visual flashiness of 5 without taking away from the more melancholic story. I loved every minute of watching the story unravel while getting to know and fighting alongside every party member. There were many moments that I wasn’t expecting would hit me as hard as they did, especially the payoff for all your efforts that you get in the final chapter. A beautiful story about realizing that the constant futility and impossibility of life can only become bearable thanks to the bonds you form with others. I’ll never forget playing this for the first time and absolutely recommend it.

Gorgeous atmosphere and doesn't overstay its welcome. I would never want to exist in a Nordic children's book.

Feels like a soulless asset flip of splatoon. No real identity in the visual representation and the gameplay is just eye candy. Everything feels weightless and hype but once you get past the hype it’s empty.

A fun time waster type of game if you liked Vampire Survivors but weren't a fan of the pixel art style. The isometric view and floating weapons concept are enjoyable and the inventory management system between levels really makes the game stand out for plotting how your next run will go.

While I preferred the AWE expansion more, this was good because of the new scenery and the background story it started to unearth about the roots of the oldest house and the board. Wish they gave us a little more before the ending but seems like a solid enough point to leave for a sequel to the main game.

I've been on a binge of replaying the Alan Wake games leading up to 2 and its so cool to see all the hints that Remedy was dropping for imagery that would later show up in Alan Wake 2. It feels natural for Jesse to investigate this and ties in perfectly. Love the way this DLC takes more of a horror approach playing with darkness and the enemy design, so worth playing.

Instant classic, Remedy just gets weirder and weirder as time goes on and it’s beautiful. And that was even before I realized that this game connected to Alan wake. It wasn't even until my second playthrough that I was able to appreciate things I missed the first time around. It's a fun time investigating every little part of the game.

The visuals are this games best asset, beautiful to look at but some of the puzzles feel obtuse and clunky and not worth making me want to continue

All you need is a nail gun and a dream.

Despite being short I dug the improvements this game made to combat, mostly making things faster and giving Alan some better weapon variety. Also enjoyed how it focuses on Mr Scratch and fills in some gaps from the first game.

Presentation, world, and story all seem well done and interesting enough but the combat just wasn’t fun for me, the skill tree seemed pretty detailed but each enounter just consists of holding my main attack button while sometimes hitting other buttons on enemies that felt way too spongy.

This game was surprisingly more fun than I expected. The whole thing feels like a last gen god of war ripoff action game with a serviceable story. Combat, build, and customization are where this game surprised me. The momentum system was fun and really encouraged fast paced DMC style hack and slashing. Im burned out on open worlds but glad that this one wasn’t too big and the sand traversal was fun to zip around. Originally not a full priced game but if you can get it for around $20 you should definitely enjoy it.

Doki Doki ethics and philosophy club.

Go into this as blind as you can, and have your world change.