The art direction and visuals for this game are ridiculously good. Love seeing the way the scenes shifted perspective as it went on.

The combat however, was too ambitious and too inconsistent with its weird parry timings that it was just frustrating with the hordes of enemies past chapter 3.

Game is best experienced on easy mode and treated as a beat ‘Em up so you can actually enjoy the visuals and get to the end.

Didn’t think they could top Spider Man 2018 but this game ups the stakes, ups the gameplay, and even ups the story while adding in more comic book flavor in a way that doesn’t feel cheesy. The insomniac spider man trilogy is a masterclass in gaming.

FF shifting into an action game didn’t bother me at all. The combat is fun and stylish if a little watered down. I wish they at least added more RPG elements besides accessories that boost your stats. But the story is absolutely nuts and I can’t remember the last time a FF game made my mouth drop from just insanely huge set pieces and surprise moments. Each boss fight was crazier than the last and I enjoyed the darker take on the world.

It’s fine, the world is big and beautiful but the weapon durability system got on my nerves a lot, and the story is pretty nonexistent without doing side quests to fill in background. It changed the gaming world but the game itself just didn’t wow me.

The extra half star is purely for the visuals and the ideas that were presented in this game.

Everything else about this was so boring / bad it wasn't worth me trying to keep playing. The game opens with story beats that are meant to feel emotional but just happen suddenly and without much exposition or time to even get invested that it just feels like a weird joke, the voice acting is not good, the magic gunplay seemed like it would be fun but you're just cycling through red, blue, and green magic and color coding them to enemies in ways that never really feel fluid or that they're making sense all while the FPS eventually tanks once there's too many different colors on screen. I was slightly interested in the background of the world but even that got ruined once I realized the red, green, and blue magic were called exactly that, everything here is surface level. I feel bad for anyone that paid full price for this and could not get a refund.

This game has it all.

Story? Nonsense
Voice acting? “the Room” levels of dedication
Gameplay? Broken
Stability? Also broken
Mini games? Plenty? But also broken
Pacing? Nonexistent, especially the difficulty spike in the last chapter

It’s like if the deadly premonition team wanted to make ninja gaiden meets dead to rights.

I cannot recommend anyone buy this game, but they should definitely play it.

You keep going.

What starts out as a lofi max payne inspired riff slowly peels back its layers to reveal trippy art direction, an equally atmospheric and weird soundtrack, twisting puzzling levels, and one somber and broken love story. The simplistic gameplay can dredge at time but it’s so worth pushing through to get to the next cutscene and getting one level closer to the end.

Reject modernity. Return to (jazz) monke

Not game of the year, game of the era.

I haven’t felt this wowed by an RPG since the first time I played KOTOR. Worthy of every bit of praise and whether or not you like dungeons and dragons or even know it, you’ll love this. One of the few games I’m excited to play multiple times over.

In my journey through souls games, Bloodborne will always be the most memorable just because of the beautiful art direction and the way that the story ends up being something entirely different than what you originally expect going in. I loved the aggressive combat system , the transforming trick weapons, and the customization, all of which helps this game just ooze style. It’ll always blow my mind how this never became a series of games because I would have played every one.

You must accept moon.

The game I wish Dark Souls was. I love everything about Nioh, the combat, the setting, the story in all its wonkiness, it's all good. Reminds me of the Onimusha games, 100% worth the buy.

Go in blind, you will stumble and become frustrated, but you will prevail. The ending is worth the journey. I’m sad I’ll never get to experience this for the first time ever again.

Gorgeous atmosphere and doesn't overstay its welcome. I would never want to exist in a Nordic children's book.

Something that really proves video games are its own medium. The way this game tells an absolutely depressing story through stylish combat, shifting perspectives from 3rd person action to 2D rails shooter, and using multiple play throughs of beating the game to slowly piece together the story. Unforgettable. Make sure you get all the way to ending E.

Spent more time trying to get the game to work than actually playing it which is ridiculous since I'm at least above minimum settings. Bummer because the art direction and ideas in this game seem cool like the umbral mechanic but I'm not buying a game just to render it at 720p in efforts of getting it to run faster than 10fps.